Help Workers Pioneer the Gospel in Burma

A new mission field has opened up for native Christian workers in a town of staunch Buddhists. A contact there recently invited workers to share the gospel, and they found local people were receptive. Seven people put their faith in Christ for forgiveness of sins and eternal life and were baptized the next day.

Support Compassionate Outreach in Lebanon

When the government decided to remove and destroy tents occupied by Syrian refugees, the first night that families were suddenly without shelter, native Christian workers came to their aid. “It was during this very difficult time that we met their physical needs for food, prayed for them, helped them with transportation to visit the United Nations to petition for support, and helped as friends and advocates during a desperate time,” the leader said.

Share the Love of Christ in Chad

A team of four healthcare workers and five evangelists recently visited a town where they treated 192 people free of charge and shared Christ with individuals, families and various groups. They distributed 50 Arabic-language New Testaments, as well as 100 pamphlets and 20 audio Bibles in their native tongue. “Five people, including three women, accepted Jesus as their Savior,” the ministry leader said.

Support Evangelism and Discipleship in Sri Lanka

A woman who sensed the Lord’s call to evangelism attended a native ministry’s seminary, where she became confident in how to present the gospel and also sharpened her mind as she engaged with other students. The friendships she made with colleagues from other denominations helped break down barriers, unifying churches to serve together.

Help Workers Plant Churches in Spain

In the course of starting 95 churches in Spain and elsewhere over a period of six months, native Christian workers shared the gospel with both refugees and Spaniards. Among the Spaniards was a young woman who was pregnant at 15 and whose parents were addicted to drugs and alcohol. Often beaten and abused, she was visiting her brother in prison when she met a ministry worker bringing the gospel to the inmates, and the worker invited her to a church service.

Rescue People from Darkness in Laos

A worker recently led four people to Christ after they listened to a digital audio recording of the ministry leader’s gospel presentation. A worker in another area also gave villagers audio players so they could listen to the recorded messages. “After that, he led them to Jesus,” the leader said. “Now they have been facing serious persecution, and he is taking care of them.”

Support Bold Witnesses for Christ in South Asia

Despite extremist groups’ false accusations against native Christian workers, a native ministry carried out various outreaches that presented multiple gospel opportunities. Praying for and visiting homes in more than 30 villages, workers recently shared Christ with 300 people.

Help Evangelize the Lost in Iraq

In the middle of a native ministry’s worship meeting for children, an Iranian refugee girl requested children’s Bible stories. After workers shared the stories, at the end of the meeting the girl asked them to pray for Jesus to enter her heart and save her.

Support Gospel Work amid Danger in Nigeria

In areas where kidnappings and killings are rampant, native Christian workers are discreetly spreading the gospel. Villagers hostile to the gospel recently received food, clothing and other aid that helped soften their hearts. “Muslims accepted us, received our gifts and gave us everything we needed,” the ministry leader said.

Expand God’s Kingdom in China

Orphans and other impoverished villagers in mountainous areas recently received badly needed supplies from native Christian workers, opening the way for the gospel to spread. Other workers discipled Christians at newly planted churches in the area. In various parts of the country, workers brought the message of eternal life in Christ to nine ethnic groups.