83.1 million
Evangelical population:
People groups:
Unreached people groups:
With a large number of Muslim refugees and a population that is nearly one-third non-religious, Germany presents a large field for evangelistic outreach. Germany has become the third largest host of refugees in the world, with 2.2 million, and its openness to immigrants from the Middle East has grown its Muslim population to 5.97 million, or 7.2 percent of the population. Among the unreached are 923,805 Syrians, 377,240 Afghans, 235,000 Iranians, and 224,000 Kurds.
Those who identify as non-religious amount to 29.9 percent of the population, and most of the people among the 62.2 percent of the population identifying as Christian belong to traditional churches that do not prioritize biblical doctrine.
Native workers see the world conflicts driving refugees to Germany as an opportunity for refugees from Islamic countries to explore the Bible without hindrance, and they are sharing Christ with Arabs, Afghans, Kurds, and Iranians, among other groups. Sharing the gospel in the streets, refugee camps and markets, as well as on social media, they are planting multicultural churches in various cities. Engaging underserved communities and nurturing emerging leaders within the Iranian, Arab, and Afghan refugees is a high priority.
The workers’ vision is to equip and mobilize migrant leaders, local churches and mission workers, developing leaders with the character and competence necessary to minister effectively in multicultural contexts.
Sources: Joshua Project, UNHCR, Federal Statistical Office of Germany
How to Pray for Germany
- Pray the Lord will reveal Christ as Lord and Savior to refugees from Muslim countries and elsewhere.
- Pray that converts from among various peoples coming to Christ will be raised up and trained to effectively lead churches.
- Pray that refugees will find comfort, strength, and hope in knowing Christ.