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Exclusive Stories from the Mission Field
July 25, 2024
Free haircuts and dental care. The distribution of medications at no cost. Lessons in art and cooking and agriculture. To some, these things may seem like simple acts of kindness, the generous gifting of important services, resources, and knowledge to enhance people’s quality of life. But to native missionaries in Brazil, they present opportunities to live out the Great Commission, opening the door for them to be the hands and feet of Jesus among ethnic tribes who are not only wary—but sometimes even hostile—to missionaries’ attempts to share the gospel.
July 11, 2024
White smokestacks mar an otherwise cloudless desert sky, their toxic fumes not only a by-product of the more than 20,000 brick kilns that exist across Pakistan, but also a sinister warning to the 4.5 million people enslaved there: You cannot pass beyond our bounds.
June 27, 2024
For a moment in time—when a democratically elected president stood at Myanmar’s helm—a generation of young adults hoped life would be different than it had been for the generations that came before them. But in February 2021, when that same president was overthrown in a military coup, that dream shattered.
June 13, 2024
It was nicknamed “Cinderella” by some, this Latin American city that was rich in beauty and history but devoid of true joy, with no fellowship of believers and—prior to Daniel’s* arrival—no missionary to share the gospel message. Unbeknownst to Daniel, however, God had been preparing this place for a metamorphosis. Like Cinderella, it would soon rise from the ashes and transform into what, at its core, it was always meant to be. But unlike Cinderella, this would not be a fairy godmother intervention. This transformation would be through the work of the Holy Spirit.
May 30, 2024
Using her bare hands, a woman dug through the rubble of a home devastated by a flash flood that swept through her Kenyan village in early May. She pointed out her cousin’s red jacket to a reporter. It was streaked with dirt and snagged on a tree branch. A few feet away, a broken bed and mattress lay amidst a heap of debris. She was certain that her cousin lay somewhere beneath it.
May 16, 2024

“No media has the courage to speak up on Christian persecution,” said one ministry leader in South Asia. “But God doesn’t waste our heartbreak. We are beginning to see we were brought here for a purpose.”

This is the voice of the persecuted church.

Their heartbreak is real. Their spiritual battle is never-ending. Sometimes, their grief overwhelms their joy and their blood stains the streets. But through their sorrow, Christ is praised. “Hallelujah!” they say. For, despite their difficulties, they “still try to gladly serve and worship our crucified and exalted King.”

This is the voice of the persecuted church.

Read their stories. Stand with them. Believe in the power of the cross, for its enemies will not prevail.

Exclusive stories from the mission field

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