Rejoice In The Power Of Scripture in Europe

A young girl was taught in school that humans evolved from apes. But when she began to attend a children’s program organized by a native ministry, she heard—for the first time—that humans were created by God. “Her view of the world was profoundly changed,” the ministry leader said.

Share The Good News Of Salvation in Kenya

Many women attended a two-day conference organized by a native ministry, and “there was a great movement of the power of God,” according to the ministry leader. During their time together, some experienced healing while others experienced deliverance and reconciliation. “Many marriages had collapsed,” the ministry leader reported. “But the Lord spoke the word of peace and now there is peace to many.”

Unite With The Persecuted Church in China

An older woman in a village hostile to the gospel chose to follow Jesus after the persistent love and compassion she was shown by native missionaries. But her neighbors prohibited her from attending church, and her children told the missionaries they were unwelcome. When the woman suffered a bad fall and no one knew if she would live, the missionaries prayed, and her injuries soon healed.

Support Ministry To Unreached Tribes in Bangladesh

Because of native missionaries’ diligent evangelism efforts to previously unreached indigenous tribes, approximately 1,940 people from various tribal villages were baptized during a six-month period. In addition to sharing the gospel, these Christian workers also taught the people about proper hygiene, and they distributed food among the most vulnerable families.

Break Spiritual Strongholds With The Gospel in Ecuador

A witch rules over an indigenous tribe deep in the jungle, and he threatens to kill through witchcraft anyone who attempts to introduce the gospel to his people. Despite his warnings, native missionaries have begun to visit one tribal village, and they pray that God will open the door for them to eventually share the gospel.

Encourage The Lost To Trust In Christ in Burkina Faso

A native missionary sat near a community well one evening and told Bible stories to the villagers who congregated there to draw water. Many came closer to him to listen and ask questions about the things he said. One man was so intrigued that he volunteered his home as a meeting place for Bible study.

Expand The Lord’s Kingdom in Cambodia

A native ministry leader estimates that approximately 95 percent of those who listen to his ministry’s radio program are not believers, but more come to know Jesus every day. In the first quarter of 2024 alone, the program led more than 200 people to Christ, and 123 were baptized by the ministry’s pastors across the country.

Bring Jesus’ Love To The Weary in South Asia

Three native missionaries regularly visit a leper colony and conduct prayer meetings with the 49 people who live there. During their visits, the missionaries also provide medical care and much-needed medicine, as well as a once-a-month special time of fellowship. “People are doing better there,” the ministry leader said.

Share The Message Of Christ’s Forgiveness in Iraq

A woman who attended a native ministry’s home church was forced to flee her home, and when she returned, she found her house had been burned down and her neighbor had stolen and sold all of her belongings. Though she was angry for a long time, God helped her learn to forgive and, later, when her neighbor fell ill, she helped him and eventually shared the gospel with him.

Care For The Sick And Ailing in China

Missionaries with a native ministry serve patients and their families at a local hospital, sharing the gospel and providing food and free lodging to those who have spent much of their savings on medical expenses. Even after the patients leave the hospital, ministry workers maintain a relationship with them, visiting them in their homes or speaking with them on the phone.