Lift Up The Disheartened in Colombia

A woman grew bitter and reclusive because of sores that covered her body, and she visited witches in hopes they could heal her. Nothing worked. When her neighbor invited her to a native ministry’s evangelism event, she reluctantly agreed to attend. “That night she took the step of faith and accepted Jesus Christ as her Lord and Savior,” the ministry leader said.

Support Those Who Suffer In Jesus’ Name in Jordan

After a man chose to follow Christ, his family did not speak to him for six months. When he refused to return to Islam, they had him arrested. Another believer paid an attorney to get him released, but soon after, his family took away his tea and coffee business. “Finances are always difficult for him,” a native ministry leader said.

Share The Gospel In Spiritually Dark Places in South Asia

A father of four was a devout Hindu and addicted to alcohol. His wife and daughters, however, became believers through the evangelism of their relatives in another village. When one of his daughters hoped to marry a man who was also a believer, her father refused for almost a year until, one day, God spoke to him.

Deliver Bibles To Those Who Need Them in Malawi

A man was overjoyed when a native missionary gave him a Bible. “Now I will preach the whole gospel,” he told the missionary because he now had the entirety of Scripture in his hands. The missionary spends much of his time traveling to preach and distribute Bibles to those who need them. “It’s great to see the Lord’s work going on and people being saved,” he said.

Build Relationships With The Lost in China

A native missionary shared the gospel with a woman, and the woman’s heart was opened to accept Jesus as Savior. After they prayed together, the woman said that her eyes hurt and asked the missionary to pray for healing. Three days later, the woman told the missionary that her eyes were healed, and the missionary was overjoyed to see God’s hand at work.

Encourage Believers Who Face Hostility in the Netherlands

When native missionaries shared the gospel in a refugee camp, two Muslim refugees were excited to learn about Jesus and what He did on the cross. They decided to give their lives to Christ and began to attend church services and Bible study each week. “We are thankful that we are able to visit refugee centers,” the ministry leader said.

Share The Joy Of Jesus in Kyrgyzstan

A young man reluctantly agreed to accompany his friends on a ski trip organized by a native ministry, but ministry workers learned later that the man had been taught so many false things about Christians that he was afraid to spend time with believers. By the end of the trip, however, he realized what he had been taught was false, and he began to ask questions of the workers.

Provide An Education To The Vulnerable in Niger

Approximately 300 children, including orphans and those with disabled parents, attend one of two schools run by a native ministry, often becoming the first in their families to receive an education. “As teachers and staff demonstrate the love of God and teach biblical truths and morals, they are seeing a transformation in the students’ behavior, studies, and lives,” the ministry leader said.

Support Evangelism Opportunities in Pakistan

A man who attended camps organized by a native ministry recently chose to put his faith in Christ. Later, ministry workers gave him audio Bibles to distribute to his community, and he has since begun to share the gospel with his family members and other relatives.

Assist With Missionaries’ Medical Outreach in the Philippines

During a recent four-day conference for native missionaries, the 250 participants not only committed to pursue God’s calling on their lives, but they also conducted house-to-house evangelism. Those they met during this outreach who had health issues or concerns were invited to come to the conference venue for a free medical check-up, where many received medicine and eyeglasses, if needed.