Support Discipleship Of New Christ Followers in Kenya

Christian missionaries have organized multiple events and fellowship opportunities to encourage believers and nonbelievers alike. They evangelize door to door, lead open-air and tent revivals, visit the sick, and attend school rallies. They have also created seminars for youth and women, planted a new church, and baptized new believers.

Bring The Gospel To Jungle Villages in Brazil

Many hearts turned to Jesus following native missionaries’ evangelism in a village deep in the jungle. “God has done wonders in the midst of that people,” the ministry leader said. Now, the villagers have become self-sustaining through the production of their own coffee as well as through the production of acai, chestnuts, and paprika.

Share Christ’s Saving Message in MENA

A prisoner stumbled upon a Christian magazine and, as he read through testimonies of those who had put their faith in Christ, his curiosity about Jesus grew. “The more I read, the more captivated I became by His transformative power,” he said. “His message resonated with the longing in my heart.” In his prison cell, the man gave his life to Christ and began to study the Bible daily.

Comfort The Poor And Oppressed in Pakistan

At a school run by a native ministry, 225 children from families who work in brick kilns are able to receive an education free of cost. These families are mired in debt bondage that often stretches back for generations, and ministries such as this one not only support these vulnerable children, but they also share the gospel, distribute Bibles, baptize new believers, establish Bible study groups, and teach Sunday school in the brick kiln villages.

Support Missionaries’ Daily Work in Europe

During a recent prayer walk, native missionaries prayed for their neighbors by name as they passed homes and apartment buildings. When they approached a gas station, the owner came outside, and the missionaries asked if they could pray for him. “No one in my life has ever prayed for me like that,” he said when they concluded.

Tell Of Christ’s Transforming Power in China

A patient in a native ministry’s rehabilitation program had no confidence in his ability to withstand temptation. He was from a broken family and addicted to drugs, and he had been sent to prison several times. But during his time in the program, Christian workers shared the gospel with him and helped him slowly rebuild his life.

Lead The Lost To Jesus in Argentina

A prison guard at a women’s prison met Christian workers who came to the prison to lead a Bible study with the inmates. While the missionaries waited to be admitted into the chapel, they conversed with and, ultimately, shared the gospel with the guard.

Embolden Believers To Evangelize in Nigeria

Christian workers from a native ministry continue to build relationships with the thousands of internally displaced people who currently live in camps across the country. In one camp of more than 10,000 internally displaced people, approximately 93 percent of the people are Muslim. But when Christian workers visited, they gave out 600 Bibles and delivered the gospel message.

Hold Steadfast To The Great Commission in Türkiye

A handful of believers in a city opposed to the gospel began a house fellowship with the encouragement of a native ministry. A Muslim man learned of the group’s meetings via the internet and contacted them. “At first I was just jokingly taking up his time,” the man said. “But the person listening showed such patience sharing the gospel with me.”

Distribute Bibles In Indigenous Languages in Laos

A native ministry is preparing to distribute audio versions of the books of Matthew, Mark, Romans, 1 and 2 Corinthians, and Galatians in an indigenous language, as well as Bible stories, worship songs, and copies of the entire Bible. “These audio tools have been a key source in proclaiming the gospel, as well as spiritually feeding both new and existing believers,” the ministry leader said.