Share Jesus With The Lost And Lonely in Italy

When two native Christian workers began teaching Italian language classes to refugees at a local facility, they had no idea how many people would attend. And as refugees trickled in, they initially greeted the missionaries with uncertainty. But when their greeting was returned in their own language, their entire demeanors changed.

Transform Lives With The Salvation Story in Kazakhstan

A teenager who recently became a believer traveled with native missionaries to a sports conference during which she was able to fellowship with other young believers like herself. But during the trip, her parents pressured her with negative conversations and told her the missionaries were crazy.

Spread The Gospel Through Community Engagement in South Asia

Part of a native ministry’s outreach includes helping with people’s basic life necessities and expenses that many would otherwise not be able to afford. During the last three months, the ministry assisted seven people with medical expenses, nine with house payments, and six with motorcycle maintenance so they can travel through difficult terrains.

Assist Those Whose Worship Is Monitored in China

Native missionaries continue to face more restrictions in their evangelism and discipleship efforts. Churches were required to install surveillance cameras on their pulpits, villagers have been told to report anyone under the age of 18 who attends church meetings, a particular translation of hymns has been banned, and wastebaskets were installed in churches in which anything deemed illegal must be thrown.

Praise The Lord Alongside New Believers in Ghana

A native ministry organized a four-day convention and spent many days training ushers, counselors, prayer warriors, and other committees to ensure the event ran smoothly. “Praise the Lord!” the ministry leader said following its conclusion. “The Lord ministered and won many souls to the glory of God.”

Support Missionaries Through Difficult Days in Myanmar

A native ministry has been unable to communicate with many ministry workers because of the ongoing civil war. In April, one worker’s village was bombed, and he fled to the jungle. He has not been heard from since that time. A ministry worker in another place fled with his neighbors after a heavy battle in their village.

Restore Hope Through Community Outreach in Lebanon

A mother of four children, several with serious medical needs, became increasingly anxious and prone to anger due to the constant struggle to cover the family’s basic needs as well as medical costs. When the children received food boxes through the outreach of a native ministry, the family was overjoyed.

Help Struggling Families Earn A Living in North Africa

A mother of two children from a poor village decided to ask the local church for help through their lending program because her husband’s job did not provide enough income to cover their expenses. With the money lent her through the church, the woman began to sell fruits and vegetables, which provided the family enough extra income to cover their children’s educational expenses as well as pay back the lending service.

Encourage Persecuted Believers To Stay Faithful in South Asia

A native ministry organized 20 trauma healing workshops in various locations and in six different languages to encourage and support Christian workers and first-generation believers who have been persecuted for their faith. One of the workshop goals was to train counselors to help address the challenges Christians across the region face as they try to live out their faith in places hostile to the gospel.

Deliver Critical Aid During Tumultuous Times in Niger

With many areas of the country facing insecurity and upheaval caused by famine and political turmoil, people have great difficulty finding enough food. One native ministry aims to help those most in need through providing resources that will help sustain them through difficult times, such as goats for income-generating purposes.