Help Establish New Relationships With Indigenous Ministries

Native missionaries share the gospel whenever an opportunity arises. In addition to the Bible studies they lead, the camps they organize, or the churches they plant, they might also talk with strangers at a bus stop, families at a playground, or villagers at the community well.

Support Outreach to Local Communities in Cameroon

A native ministry works alongside a local church in a community where people struggle to find food and clothes, and where there is no electricity or hospital. One of the most pressing issues is the lack of access to clean water. “People are dying because of the water crisis,” the ministry leader said.

Help Missionaries Persevere Against Spiritual Darkness in Sri Lanka

A native missionary working in a remote area of the country was confronted by a man in the community who opposed his work, especially after the number of children attending a language class that he taught began to increase. But the missionary would not be swayed by the man’s hostility and turned to prayer to seek God’s guidance over the situation. “Remarkably, through prayer, there was a notable transformation in the attitude of that particular man,” the missionary said.

Encourage Christian Workers as They Serve Others in China

A woman who desired nothing more than to share the gospel with her family and colleagues became so overwhelmed with uncertainty of how to go about doing so that she wanted to quit her job. She confessed her anxieties to the wife of a ministry leader who began to disciple her, encouraging her to first pray for those with whom she hoped to share Christ.

Support Believers as They Share Jesus in MENA

A woman who desired nothing more than to share the gospel with her family and colleagues became so overwhelmed with uncertainty of how to go about doing so that she wanted to quit her job. She confessed her anxieties to the wife of a ministry leader who began to disciple her, encouraging her to first pray for those with whom she hoped to share Christ.

Bring the Gospel to Remote Indigenous Tribes in Ecuador

Indigenous missionaries conducted door-to-door evangelism among a tribal community and concluded the event with a gathering at the local coliseum to which all of the community was invited. “This was a great opportunity to make the gospel known in a more personal way and as a result many people received Christ Jesus as their personal Savior,” the ministry leader said. “Now many of them are attending the local church to receive the teachings of the Bible.” Donations of $60 or $120 support missionaries in their work among ethnic tribes. Pray that those who hear the gospel will give their lives to Jesus.

Tell of the Lord’s Loving Kindness in Pakistan

A man who once practiced Hinduism became sick with what the doctors believed was an incurable disease. But one day, a native missionary shared the gospel with him and, when the missionary prayed over him, the Lord healed him of his sickness. The man—having experienced the power of God Almighty—gave his life to the Lord.

Help Missionaries Shepherd the Faithful in Indonesia

A young man from a broken home was curious about the gospel, and his internet search led him to connect with a worker from a native ministry. The worker began to disciple him, and soon, he gave his life to Christ and was baptized. As he learned about Christ’s forgiveness and delved deeper into Scripture, he was able to forgive his own parents, and when his friends bullied him because of his faith, he remained steadfast.

Stand Beside Persecuted Believers in Iraq

When a Muslim man from a deeply religious family became a Christian, several family members beat him so badly that he lost sight in one eye. They took all of his belongings as well as his wife and children and refused to let him see them again until he returned to Islam.

Assist Missionaries With Their Kingdom Work in Africa

As native missionaries journeyed three hours to visit a new church plant, their car broke down, significantly delaying their arrival. But the church family had not given up hope they would come and were still waiting when the missionaries arrived.