Restore Hope in Jesus’ Name in Cambodia

Nearly three years ago, a 47-year-old prostitute infected with HIV began listening to a native ministry’s radio program. She had spent much of her life filled with hatred toward men and had pledged to infect as many as possible with the disease that ravaged her body. But through the radio broadcasts, the Holy Spirit began to transform her, and recently, she publicly gave her life to Christ during one of those broadcasts.

Share the Joy of the Lord in Argentina

A 25-year-old blind woman suffered from depression because of her physical limitations. But one day, a native missionary visited her and shared the gospel. The woman gave her life to Christ and another woman from the local church immediately began to disciple her. Now, she is free of her depression, sings and serves in the church, and shares her testimony with her friends who are also blind.

Encourage New Believers to Remain Steadfast in Bangladesh

A young man from a Buddhist family had grown increasingly wary of the religious practices of his parents, including their animal sacrifices and idol worship. When he connected with native missionaries, he became intrigued by the gospel stories they told and began to regularly listen to their sermons.

Help Disciple Followers of Christ in China

Native missionaries lead a Bible study at a nursing home to enable the residents to fellowship and grow in their Christian faith. “Many elderly have been on a spiritual low since the Covid pandemic and needed God’s words to restore their spiritual health,” the ministry leader said.

Stand With Those Suffering for Their Faith in MENA

A young man with deeply rooted anger toward the cultural oppression he faced in his community met a team of native missionaries who were different than anyone he had ever met. Their kindness toward him made him curious about their beliefs and he began to read the Bible, which transformed his life. He secretly met with the missionaries and accepted the Lord as Savior.

Help Indigenous Missionaries With Community Outreach in Uganda

Every Saturday, a native ministry feeds 2,000 children in their community and engages them with activities throughout the entire day. Many of the children come from the surrounding slums and often carry some of the provided food home to their parents as well. “Feeding the community has been a game changer,” the ministry leader said.

Transform Young Lives With the Good News in Europe

The life of a young girl from an impoverished community was transformed through the intervention of Christian workers from one native ministry who not only provided her access to a quality education but also mentored her and gave her spiritual guidance. “Her testimony is a powerful reminder of the transformative impact of investing in the lives of children and youth, empowering them to overcome adversity and fulfill their God-given potential,” said the leader of the ministry.

Support Life-Changing Gospel Work in the Philippines

Christian workers returned to a community to lead a Bible study for new believers with whom they had shared the gospel a month prior. During their fellowship, however, people from surrounding areas grew curious about the gathering, and the Bible study evolved into an evangelism event.

Encourage the Lost With the Gospel Message in Mexico

An 8-year-old boy and his parents began attending a church that was led by native missionaries. The boy had been diagnosed with brain tumors that caused him to suffer frequent seizures and he was declared blind and needed a corneal transplant. The congregation joined with him and his parents and prayed for his health.

Share Jesus in Remote Areas in South Asia

Native missionaries have begun to share the gospel in villages located deep in the jungle that are inaccessible by road and have no electricity or basic amenities. The missionaries walk many miles to bring the love of Christ to the approximately 130 people who live here, including young teenage girls who are pregnant and children addicted to alcohol. “It is a very heart-wrenching scene,” one of the missionaries said. Donations of $25 or $50 enable native missionaries to carry out evangelism such as this. Pray for the salvation of those with whom they share the gospel message.