Help Train Christian Workers in the Middle East

Current students and graduates of a native ministry’s seminary lead small church groups across one Middle Eastern country, and they credit their theological education as the reason they are able to do so in places hostile to the gospel. “Because the church there faces a lot of scrutiny, the church is very mission oriented,” the ministry leader said.

Encourage Indigenous Missionaries and Their Families in China

A native ministry turned its traditional staff retreat into a family camp this year to show its appreciation to the families of the Christian workers who endlessly make sacrifices for gospel work. Many missionaries admitted they had neglected their families, and their wives confessed they were overwhelmed with anxiety as they carried extra responsibilities and burdens. But the camp restored relationships as participants were renewed in their faith and commitment to one another.

Draw Believers Into Deeper Relationship With Christ in Chad

Native missionaries attended a recent conference to gain a deeper understanding of discipleship and the importance of developing strategies on how to follow up with new believers. During their time together, the missionaries led one another in morning devotionals before they turned their attention to the main speaker, who discussed the motivation behind and the different phases of discipleship, as well as the basic principles of intercultural communication.

Help Indigenous Missionaries Plant New Churches in Europe

A native ministry in one of the least-reached countries in Europe recently celebrated the 30th anniversary of their church with a special ceremony. During the event, missionaries and church attendees—both present and past—shared their testimonies and church experiences. Many have spent years supporting the church through various discipleship, evangelism, and training projects.

Support Ministry to Displaced People in Myanmar

A 6-year-old boy and two of his siblings now live at a children’s home run by a native ministry because their father—a poor farmer—was concerned that their village might soon be destroyed in the ongoing civil war. Another group of siblings and their mother also recently arrived at the home after their father was presumed killed by the military.

Help Missionaries Be a Light for Jesus in South Asia

The wife of a man addicted to drugs asked a native missionary to pray for her husband. When the man discovered what his wife had done, he sought out the missionary and tried to harm him, but the missionary continued to pray. When the man later met with an accident and believed he would die, he pledged that if God was real and delivered him, he would follow Him.

Share Christ’s Salvation Story With Children in Kyrgyzstan

With the aim of presenting the gospel to children from Muslim families, Christian workers led multiple camps across the country during which more than 300 children learned about Christ and creation, and how to disciple others. “Adults are more closed and more Muslim,” the ministry leader said.

Encourage Christian Workers in Their Gospel Work in Jordan

A native missionary began leading a group of believers in a small house, and, for some time, only a few people attended, which frustrated the missionary. Then, one day, more people began to attend. “God’s response to my state of frustration was amazing,” the missionary said.

Share Christ With Refugees Hungry for Truth in Greece

A native ministry that assists refugees has seen a huge influx of people seeking help, including one refugee who traveled four hours by bus. As they wait in line for aid, the refugees are able to read various gospel resources set out across the center, and this has presented opportunities for workers to later share the message of salvation.

Support Outreach to the Lost in Mali

Native missionaries distributed hygiene products such as soap, medicine, mosquito nets, and sleeping mats at a prison in which 184 inmates are housed. Later, as one of the missionaries presented the gospel, the prisoners initially mocked him. But he did not stop because he believed the power of God would change their hearts. Eventually, all became silent as his words began to resonate.