Middle East/North Africa


The Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region is almost entirely Islamic, making it one of the world’s most restricted mission fields. Conflict and terrorism in the region have left millions displaced, many of whom are traumatized after losing family members. Over a decade after the Arab Spring, millions of Syrians are still displaced or living in destitution as refugees in countries like Türkiye, Jordan, and Lebanon.

Christian Aid Mission assists indigenous ministries in MENA who are wisely and strategically sharing the gospel and planting churches—growing the Body of Christ in this restricted region. They are ministering to displaced people and refugees, providing emergency food aid, medical relief, and trauma counseling in Jesus’ name. Many Muslims have expressed disillusionment in Islam and interest in Jesus Christ as they experience God’s love through Christians. The fields are white for harvest, and God is providing unprecedented opportunities for His servants to share His truth with them.

How You Can Make a Difference

Indigenous ministries that Christian Aid Mission assists are reporting that they have never before seen such openness to the gospel among Muslims, who are questioning Islam after experiencing the brutality of Islamic terrorist groups. God is providing unprecedented opportunities for His servants to share His truth in the Middle East, but they need your help to provide them with Arabic Bibles and other crucial ministry tools.

Ways To Give

Middle Eastern Christian man speaking into a microphone during a radio broadcast

Evangelism & Discipleship

Since an indigenous ministry in Lebanon launched its audio outreach program in May 2017, hundreds of thousands of Kurdish people throughout Syria, Iraq, and Turkey have heard the gospel in their own language via radio and podcast. More than 14,000 people have called the ministry’s call centers to learn more about Jesus. The ministry is looking into setting up additional call centers to meet the demand. GIVE NOW to help evangelistic and discipleship ministries like this one in the Middle East.

Middle Eastern school boys with big smiles while eating lunch outside

Community Engagement

One of several Christian Aid Mission-assisted indigenous ministries in the Middle East caring for traumatized refugee children, a Christian school in Jordan is providing Iraqi refugee children with a haven of healing. Teachers at the school use the Bible as part of their curriculum and teach students English, which will give them a career advantage. Grateful that their children are receiving a quality education, parents are open to the gospel message shared by many of their children after school. GIVE NOW to help community engagement ministries like this one in the Middle East.

Christian missionary gives package of water bottles to Middle Eastern woman holding her baby


Christian Aid Mission assists several indigenous ministries in Turkey that are reaching out to thousands of Syrian refugees in tent camps. Apart from providing for their basic needs, gospel workers are going tent-to-tent to sit with the refugees, listen to their stories and pray for them. They distribute food packages, bottled water, clothing, shoes, and baby formula for infants born to mothers too malnourished to nurse them. During the winter months, they distribute firewood, blankets, and heaters. The ministries are also reaching children through Arabic picture Bibles. GIVE NOW to help compassion ministries like these in the Middle East.

Exclusive Stories from the Mission Field

Middle East

Support Believers as They Share Jesus in MENA

A woman who desired nothing more than to share the gospel with her family and colleagues became so overwhelmed with uncertainty of how to go about doing so that she wanted to quit her job. She confessed her anxieties to the wife of a ministry leader who began to disciple her, encouraging her to first pray for those with whom she hoped to share Christ.

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Stand Beside Persecuted Believers in Iraq

When a Muslim man from a deeply religious family became a Christian, several family members beat him so badly that he lost sight in one eye. They took all of his belongings as well as his wife and children and refused to let him see them again until he returned to Islam.

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Middle East

Stand With Those Suffering for Their Faith in MENA

A young man with deeply rooted anger toward the cultural oppression he faced in his community met a team of native missionaries who were different than anyone he had ever met. Their kindness toward him made him curious about their beliefs and he began to read the Bible, which transformed his life. He secretly met with the missionaries and accepted the Lord as Savior.

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Middle East

Help Train Christian Workers in the Middle East

Current students and graduates of a native ministry’s seminary lead small church groups across one Middle Eastern country, and they credit their theological education as the reason they are able to do so in places hostile to the gospel. “Because the church there faces a lot of scrutiny, the church is very mission oriented,” the ministry leader said.

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Middle East

Support Missionaries With Their Gospel Work in Palestine

In the midst of economic and political hardship, native missionaries serve their communities through local churches, which not only provide Bible training and fellowship, but also compassionate aid to those who need it, such as delivering medication to the sick. Christian leaders recently organized a women’s retreat, youth meetings and activities, and home visitations.

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