Support Outreach to Local Communities in Cameroon

A native ministry works alongside a local church in a community where people struggle to find food and clothes, and where there is no electricity or hospital. One of the most pressing issues is the lack of access to clean water. “People are dying because of the water crisis,” the ministry leader said.

Transform Communities Through Outreach Events in Cameroon

A mentally ill homeless woman announced that she wanted to accept Jesus as her Savior during an altar call at an evangelism event. When asked if she believed God could deliver her from her troubles, she said yes. Despite the mockery that erupted from other attendees, a missionary prayed with her, and she was instantly delivered.

Enable Workers to Proclaim Christ in Cameroon

On the first day of a ministry’s evangelistic event, a mentally unstable homeless woman who was addicted to alcohol rushed to the front of the room to repent and express her desire to receive Jesus Christ as Savior. While other attendees mocked her, ministry workers asked if she believed God could heal her mind, and she replied, “yes.” They prayed for her, and she was instantly healed.

Support Evangelism in Hostile Areas in Cameroon

At a four-day evangelistic event in the northern part of the country, local leaders mobilized those hostile to the gospel to destroy the team’s generator and sound system speakers. “But finally those who made it so they lost power accepted Jesus and confessed all the wicked works they have done to keep the villages poor and afflicted,” the ministry leader said.

Help Form Disciples in Cameroon

School children in Cameroon wearing blue uniforms sitting at wooden desks holding up small books

Male initiation rites lasting three months disrupted boys’ education until native Christian workers taught villagers how faith in Christ frees them from fear of the powers of witchcraft. “We taught that in Christ they are free from any demon; we advised them to be confident and to send their children to school,” the ministry leader said.

Help Expand the Kingdom in Cameroon

Cameroonian Christian missionary standing outside holding a bundle of clothes in his right arm

Through its evangelistic outreaches and school for missionaries, pastors and teachers, a native ministry overcame spiritual attacks to expand the kingdom of God. The ministry recently sent a native worker to a primitive village where there is no Christian or church.

Enable Workers to Proclaim Christ in Cameroon

Cameroonian Christian families standing in a line in front of a hill

Native workers saw hundreds of villagers come to Christ during outreaches earlier this year, but sometimes the Lord worked in other ways. Local workers took the opportunity to proclaim the gospel at a birthday party, and 21 people put their faith in Christ.