Transform Lives With The Salvation Story in Kazakhstan

A teenager who recently became a believer traveled with native missionaries to a sports conference during which she was able to fellowship with other young believers like herself. But during the trip, her parents pressured her with negative conversations and told her the missionaries were crazy.

Extend Grace To The Lost in Kazakhstan

“Often, people are quickly ignited by God,” a ministry leader said. “But without having a root, they quickly go out.” The leader’s wisdom serves as the foundation for his ministry’s work. When he and his wife began a new family group with two other families, they understood they must be firmly rooted in their own faith to best serve one of the families, who are unbelievers.

Minister To Vulnerable Young People in Kazakhstan

Christian workers use a sports ministry to build relationships with local young people, many of whom are orphans being raised by relatives. “We try to become trustees for them, take responsibility to help them find their calling, profession, and find their place in life,” the ministry leader said.