Equip Missionaries To Impact Their Communities in Slovakia

Native ministry leaders led an evangelism training event for 65 Christian workers—primarily evangelists, pastors, and church planters—from five countries with the goal of teaching them to share the gospel through outreach, online ministry, and other seminars and trainings.

Rejoice In The Power Of Scripture in Europe

A young girl was taught in school that humans evolved from apes. But when she began to attend a children’s program organized by a native ministry, she heard—for the first time—that humans were created by God. “Her view of the world was profoundly changed,” the ministry leader said.

Encourage Believers Who Face Hostility in the Netherlands

When native missionaries shared the gospel in a refugee camp, two Muslim refugees were excited to learn about Jesus and what He did on the cross. They decided to give their lives to Christ and began to attend church services and Bible study each week. “We are thankful that we are able to visit refugee centers,” the ministry leader said.

Help Missionaries Teach God’s Forgiveness in Spain

A young man imprisoned for drug trafficking met a native missionary who befriended him and slowly built a relationship. One day, the young man told the missionary his parents hoped he would die so their shame would end. This presented an opportunity to share the gospel, and the missionary explained he must die to self so he could be reborn in Christ.

Assist Those In Search Of Peace in Slovakia

A Ukrainian refugee nearly lost his life when his home flooded due to the purposeful destruction of a dam. He survived by climbing with his neighbor onto the roof of the neighbor’s three-story home, where they were eventually rescued by boats. But when the boats tried to pull onto the riverbanks, soldiers shot at them, and their boats were destroyed.

Share God’s Healing Love With Refugees in Greece

A refugee told workers at a native ministry’s refugee center that he suffered from epilepsy and had broken his leg during a seizure. Because the bones did not heal correctly, doctors planned to re-break the leg to properly fix it. He was depressed and in a lot of pain, so the ministry leader offered to pray with him.

Help Refugees Find Joy in Spain

An 8-year-old refugee girl who suffered severe trauma, including sexual abuse, was permitted by her Muslim family to attend a native ministry’s children’s program and Sunday school. After several months, her father commented that she was noticeably changed and full of joy that he couldn’t explain. Her mother, too, was in awe, asking what had happened to her daughter.

Share Jesus’s Mercy With Refugees in Greece

A refugee sought help from a native ministry because she needed a place to stay and because she had psychiatric issues and needed medical help. Ministry workers placed her in short-term accommodations and eventually into a refugee camp.

Bring Much-Needed Aid To Refugees in Europe

A refugee fleeing war learned of a native ministry’s refugee center, and when she visited, she received groceries and dental treatment, a medical service provided for free. She also decided to attend worship services at the church, and six months later, she was baptized. “I’m very thankful to God who led me to this church,” she said. “This church gave me help and supported me in a difficult time.”

Support Fellowship Opportunities in Albania

Recognizing the importance of discipleship to both men and women, a native ministry has worked hard to organize groups and events specifically targeting the spiritual needs of local believers. Ministry workers led a men’s study called “Every Man is a Fighter” that helped train Christian men how to serve in different ministries