Get the Gospel to the Young and Old in Greece

With many opportunities to share the gospel with refugees, native workers also bring the hope of Christ to nationals and their children. In a 10-week summer program for teenagers, workers presented Bible lessons using videos followed by interactive games of questions and answers. “There was a lot of laughter, sharing, games, snacks and the sowing of God’s seeds in the hearts of the children,” the ministry leader said.

Help Workers Plant Churches in Spain

In the course of starting 95 churches in Spain and elsewhere over a period of six months, native Christian workers shared the gospel with both refugees and Spaniards. Among the Spaniards was a young woman who was pregnant at 15 and whose parents were addicted to drugs and alcohol. Often beaten and abused, she was visiting her brother in prison when she met a ministry worker bringing the gospel to the inmates, and the worker invited her to a church service.

Help Bring Relief to Refugees in Europe

Grocery bags filled with food for refugees sitting in a warehouse

Refugees from Syria, Iran, Afghanistan, Ukraine and other areas of military conflict and danger risk their lives to flee and provide hope of survival for their children. The cost is high as they arrive in Europe traumatized and in deep physical need. Native Christian workers are often the only ones who help them with food, clothing, shelter and assistance in finding medical and legal help.

Partner in Gospel Outreach in Greece

Middle Eastern refugees in an apartment in Greece learning how to speak a new language.

A refugee mother of three children who had fled her abusive husband received aid from a native ministry, including medical and legal assistance. Workers recently led her and her friend to faith in Christ. Refugees who have never heard the gospel learn about the Savior from workers amid the numerous opportunities that arise in the course of receiving aid.

Help Form Strong Disciples in Spain

Christians in Spain meeting with one another in a small apartment

A former drug dealer put his faith in Christ after a native Christian worker shared the gospel with him, and his life was so changed that he brought his friends and more than 12 relatives to hear the message of salvation at the worker’s church.

Help Bring Word of Eternal Life in Spain

A christian missionary in Spain grouped together with three others outside of an apartment complex

A native Christian ministry that has planted hundreds of churches trains evangelists in how to train others, focusing on segments of society reaching their own people – gypsies proclaiming Christ to gypsies, soldiers to soldiers, and doctors to doctors, for example. The workers are trained in how to start small groups in homes where fellowships study the Bible, worship and partake of the Lord’s Supper, as well as encourage each other to proclaim Christ’s death and resurrection.

Provide Aid for Refugees in Greece

A Middle Eastern women who is a refugee in Greece walking through a camp wearing a head covering

Among refugees arriving in great need, native Christian workers often learn about women who have suffered abuse. A mother with a child was dependent for her survival on a relationship with a man who was so violent that workers feared he was trafficking her. Workers provided food for her and her son and arranged for them to live in a hostel.

Help Power Gospel Outreach in the Netherlands

Christians in the Netherlands lead new refugee believers in worship at church

A Shiite Muslim family in Iraq under threat from the Islamic State fled to the Netherlands, where a worker with a native Christian ministry shared the gospel with them. They began studying Christianity and asking questions, and over time they accepted Christ. “Their lives changed completely, and their faith started to grow,” the ministry leader said. “Now they are every week involved with Bible study.”

Help Desperate Refugees in Europe

Refugee in Europe holding a missionaries hands

Among the refugees that native ministries receive are both Christians and Jews escaping jihadist violence from different countries, including Nigeria, Morocco and Mauritania. Workers in one European country formed an outreach offering spiritual and psychological help for Jewish refugees.

Help Provide Aid to Refugees in Greece

Christian woman in Greece standing in a coffee shop with several refugees from foreign countries

A refugee mother who was jailed for lack of legal papers was separated from her young son, who was sent to a hospital. Native Christian workers assisted in obtaining her release, reunited her with her son and helped her locate her two other children who had traveled with another family.