Equip Gospel Messengers in Spain

Spanish man in a green North Face shirt taking a selfie with an African man wearing a black shirt

Among 15 inmates who put their faith in Christ after a native ministry leader preached at their prison was a young man who was subsequently released and began a new life. He recently called the leader to say he cannot stop reading the Bible. “God changed his life from a narco-trafficker to a new person,” the leader said.

Help Change Lives with the Gospel in Greece

An Iranian refugee who had received help from native workers three years ago and left the country recently returned on a visit to thank them for the help – and the gospel – that he and a friend received. Accepted as a refugee in Switzerland, he told workers that his Christian journey began with their assistance in getting him a Skype appointment with asylum officials.

Provide Critical Aid to Refugees in Europe

A refugee in her 30s with serious health problems and no documents was lost and depressed. Native Christian workers helped her register for asylum and get medical help, and they referred her to an organization that provided shelter and training in job skills.

Help Refugees to Recover in Spain

Refugees from war-ravaged regions of Africa, the Middle East and Ukraine obtained crucial assistance from Christian workers at a native ministry as it opened 12 new refugee centers over a six-month span. Trafficked women from Russia received rescue and aid. A trafficked refugee the ministry helped to escape from an organized crime ring recently succumbed to cancer, and her parents and aunt were so moved by the ministry leader at her funeral that they put their faith in Christ.

Provide Aid to Desperate Refugees in Europe

A refugee mother showed up at a European ministry’s offices needing medical help, and soon workers discovered that her husband was physically abusing her. They helped find shelter for her and her children and assisted her in obtaining legal services.

Help Spread the Gospel in Greece

Refugees have learned of Christ’s love for the first time from native Christian workers who provided them aid. Sharing the gospel with refugees in ministry offices, weekly Bible studies, home visits and online calls, workers have seen Muslims who might otherwise never have heard about Christ come to saving faith.

Provide Relief for Refugees in Spain

The perception among some Spaniards that refugees only cause trouble has changed as the immigrants have become eager to glorify God after accepting Christ. “Entrepreneurs trust them and are giving them work, a great testimony,” the ministry leader said.

Refugee Mother in Greece Seeks Missing Children

Turkish refugee mothers and their children sitting in a refugee camp in Greece

Native Christian workers assisting a refugee mother in Greece had learned that two of her three children were lost somewhere near Greece’s 132-mile border with Turkey. When she went to police to report them missing, they put her in jail for lack of legal documents and sent the 5-year-old, autistic son with her to a children’s hospital. “The situation was very bad, and the woman was very frustrated,” the ministry leader said. “The autistic child, who was very much dependent on his mother, was asking for her and didn’t eat anything.”

Send Aid to Desperate Refugees in Europe

Refugees from the Middle East standing in line and sitting at tables in a refugee center in Europe

Refugees fleeing dangers in the Middle East and Africa rarely find a warm welcome in Europe, and the love of Christ that native Christian workers offer makes a deep impression. Besides the food, clothing, infant care items and other aid they need to survive, the spiritual and psychological support they receive is a salve for weary souls.

Provide Critical Aid to Refugees in Greece

Christian workers in Greece share the gospel with a refugee from the Middle East

As economic turmoil causes governmental and other programs to fade, more refugees are seeking ways to survive. “The projects and organizations working with refugees are closing one after the other, leading the people to despair and pushing them to leave the country as quickly as they can,” a native ministry leader said.