Help Build Strong Disciples in Spain

A soccer team wearing all blue uniforms on a soccer field in Spain

The gospel took root in the hearts of many Spaniards and refugees as native Christian workers shared the message at dinners for married couples, young people or children. Word of Christ’s salvation also spread in street festivals, prison outreaches, sports activities, home groups and on radio and TV broadcasts.

Help Workers’ Seize Gospel Opportunity in Europe

Muslim refugee woman with markings on her face and a head covering sitting in a building in Europe

Most of the refugees that a ministry in Europe serves are Muslims coming from countries in the 10/40 window where it is dangerous to share the gospel. Native Christian workers providing food, clothing, legal orientation and other aid have daily opportunities to share the message of eternal life in Christ with them.

Build Strong Disciples in Greece

Refugees in Greece wearing masks waiting outside of a government building

Native workers sharing the gospel with refugees disciple hundreds of new Christians each year, as new arrivals stream into the country while others move on to new destinations. Faith grows in weekly Bible studies, Zoom calls, WhatsApp messages and meetings with individuals.

Support Gospel Proclamation in Spain

A man and woman each holding both of the others' hands

A man listening to a native ministry’s open-air worship service on a neighborhood street received a Bible from one of the church members, and he recently came to the congregation’s regular gathering saying that Scripture had changed his life. He put his faith in Christ and asked for baptism.

Provide Critical Aid to Refugees in Europe

European Christians sitting outside at a circular table praying during a bible study

A refugee family of five fleeing war in Ukraine was frightened and without hope when they first arrived at a native Christian ministry’s ministry center. Soon they came to trust the workers helping them.

Provide Gospel Tools and Training in Spain

Refugees in Spain playing soccer on a turf field

Native Christian workers have planted a church with its own building in one city and a house church in another. Besides reaching Spaniards through personal evangelism, sports activities, street festivals and prison visits, workers are bringing the gospel to refugees in events for married couples, children, teenagers and young adults, as well as in Bible studies and daily interaction while providing aid.

Help Workers Share Christ in Greece

Women meeting for conversation at a modern apartment

Reaching out to both refugees and nationals, native Christian workers bring the gospel daily through home visits, online means and church services. “We continue the church services where we can see more people get converted and grow in Jesus,” the ministry leader said.

Help Bring Christ’s Love to Refugees in Spain

Muslim refugees playing UNO with Spanish teenagers

A Muslim refugee from sub-Saharan Africa arrived at a local ministry and began attending Bible studies. The son of a mosque leader, he received a Bible but had to read it in secret as he was sharing a room with Muslims from his country.

Provide Aid to Desperate Refugees in Greece

A local ministry over the course of a year arranged for 105 nights of emergency housing for the most vulnerable refugees, such as unaccompanied minors and single women with children facing homelessness or domestic violence. Thousands of other refugees received baby formula, diapers, food and clothing.

Help Bring Christ to Refugees in the Netherlands

A Muslim refugee from Syria came to the Netherlands after concluding that his wife and children, kidnapped by Islamic State terrorists six years prior, were no longer alive. “He would cry a lot and feel very guilty because he could not help his family,” the native ministry leader said.