Send Aid to Devastated Refugees in Spain

Spanish woman sitting on a couch with her arms folded and a mask on

Most of the refugees arriving from Ukraine, the Middle East and Africa are traumatized, especially women and children, and a local ministry has a team of psychologists who care for them and help them re-integrate into society.

Send Critical Aid to Refugees in Europe

At a time when refugees in Greece could not apply for asylum until they tested negative for COVID-19, local missionaries helped families to obtain rapid tests so they could begin steps to recover their lives.

Help Bring Life in Christ in Greece

Refugees in Greece meet with Christian missionaries in a local restaurant

Praise God for refugees coming to Christ as a local ministry provides them aid that creates occasions to share the gospel. Local missionaries went to a refugee camp to pray for one family that had recently arrived and continued visiting them after they moved into a house.

Muslim Refugee’s Pain Puts Her on Path to God

Middle Eastern refugees sit on the sidewalk in Greece

As native ministry workers in Greece began building trust with a Muslim refugee from a country in the Middle East, she told them how she had married at 14 and that her husband had physically abused her. She had divorced her husband, but they were living together again for the sake of the children – though he continued to verbally abuse her. The refugee mother of four had obtained replacement documents with help from the workers, but she continued to come to the ministry office for no apparent reason.

Help Workers Proclaim Life in Christ in Spain

People gathering for a banquet outside in a town in Spain

A family of five fled war-torn Ukraine, arriving in Spain frightened and without hope. Local missionaries spent time developing trust with them, and the family began coming to meetings at the ministry’s refugee center and accepted Christ.

Provide Aid to Desperate Refugees

Middle Eastern refugees sit on couches made of wooden pallets while gathering supplies for their children

A refugee with a serious disease could not obtain critical blood transfusions because he didn’t have the legal papers that hospitals required. A local missionary found a way for him to receive Emergency Room care at a hospital, where doctors found his condition so critical that they treated him for nearly a week.

Provide Aid for Desperate Refugees in Europe

A teenage refugee from Syria showed up with three other minors at a ministry based in Greece. They had no legal papers or phones and had been sleeping on the streets in the cold.

Send Word of Eternal Life in Greece

Refugees in Greece gather on a carpeted floor for a bible study

Refugees receiving aid often ask to know more about Jesus, and workers have ample opportunities to lead them to Christ in Bible studies, home visits and talks via Zoom. “We also have a number of people who converted through our ministry and have moved to other European countries – we are in close contact with them through WhatsApp and Zoom to disciple and strengthen them,” the ministry leader said.

Send Critical Aid to Refugees in Spain

Women tending to lettuce plants in a greenhouse

Thanks to assistance from Christian Aid Mission donors, local missionaries were able to grow crops from a new hydroponics project that helped to feed children and other poor people. The native ministry has an extensive outreach to refugees from troubled countries in the Middle East and Africa, as well as from Afghanistan.

Refugees Obtain Miraculous Help in Europe

A Kurdish family recently fled from an oppressive government in Iran. After walking 37 nights in the mountains of Greece, the mother’s feet had swollen so much that they no longer in fit her shoes. She also had a skin infection, as did one of her children. “They had been walking at night and sleeping during the day, hiding in the mountains,” the leader of a ministry in Greece said.