Bring the Gospel to Remote Indigenous Tribes in Ecuador

Indigenous missionaries conducted door-to-door evangelism among a tribal community and concluded the event with a gathering at the local coliseum to which all of the community was invited. “This was a great opportunity to make the gospel known in a more personal way and as a result many people received Christ Jesus as their personal Savior,” the ministry leader said. “Now many of them are attending the local church to receive the teachings of the Bible.” Donations of $60 or $120 support missionaries in their work among ethnic tribes. Pray that those who hear the gospel will give their lives to Jesus.

Break Spiritual Strongholds With The Gospel in Ecuador

A witch rules over an indigenous tribe deep in the jungle, and he threatens to kill through witchcraft anyone who attempts to introduce the gospel to his people. Despite his warnings, native missionaries have begun to visit one tribal village, and they pray that God will open the door for them to eventually share the gospel.

Equip Workers for Gospel Outreach in Ecuador

Young Ecuadorian Christians holding their Bibles after a Bible study

Native Christian workers invited local men to the anniversary celebration of their men’s ministry, and several of them accepted Christ. Workers have established 20 home Bible groups of 10 to 15 people each where they explain the gospel and disciple new Christians.

Support the Spread of the Good News in Ecuador

Ecuadorian Christian man leads a Bible study while others sit at wooden tables listening

The Lord penetrated the hearts of criminals as local Christian workers proclaimed the gospel in prison courtyards. “Several converted to the Lord and along with others attend the daily services,” the native ministry leader said.

Help Share the Gospel in Ecuador

Ecuadorian Christians sitting outside in a circle in plastic yard chairs holding their Bibles

A child was suffering from an ear infection when a local missionary visited his home and shared the gospel with his mother, who put her faith in Christ. The worker then prayed for her son, and when his pain and fever instantly faded, his amazed mother ran to tell her husband, who also accepted Christ.