Tell Of The Mercies Of Christ in Mexico

After a native missionary shared the gospel with a construction worker near his church, the man asked the missionary to go with him to his hometown and meet his wife, who had cancer. Upon hearing the gospel, the woman gave her life to Christ, and she and her husband asked the missionary to return and plant a church.

Support Bible Translation in Mexico

A man who did not believe in Jesus discovered his wife’s audio Bible translated into their native language, and when he listened to the story of Jonah, his heart was changed. “His eyes filled with tears because God had spoken to him personally and in his language,” the ministry leader said.

Help Missionaries Build Relationships in Mexico

A native ministry trained its missionaries on practical ways to integrate with local communities and build relationships with the people. Now, those missionaries have begun to use that training to teach the people how to raise animals, vegetables, and micro crops. Missionaries are also teaching lessons on bread-making and textiles, as well as plumbing, electricity, carpentry, and blacksmithing.

Community Service For The Sake Of The Gospel

Seventeen-year-old Mateo* hated his parents for the years of physical and verbal abuse he suffered at their hands. His resentment toward his family coupled with the constant peer pressure from his friends weighed heavy on his shoulders, and the burden grew more difficult to carry each day. But on the day that he met a native missionary in his rural community, his life changed in a way he never could have imagined.
The missionary told him about Jesus. About forgiveness and redemption and transformation. Mateo soaked up the truths the missionary taught him, and in return, the missionary listened to Mateo’s own troubling life story. Their conversation came exactly when Mateo needed it the most; and as the Holy Spirit moved, Mateo gave his life to Christ.
After he chose to follow Jesus, Mateo received a Bible that he read all the time, and he visited the missionary each day to discuss the stories he’d learned about in Scripture. He even forgave his parents, and with that forgiveness, the burden he’d struggled with for so long was lifted. Now, his once bleak outlook on life has dramatically shifted: he hopes to become a missionary, preaching among indigenous communities and helping change lives as his own was changed.

Open Gospel Opportunities in Mexico

To work among indigenous peoples who have resisted the gospel for centuries, native missionaries received training that includes practice periods among different tribes. In two areas they are also providing education to poor children, meeting a deep need as indigenous children have very limited access to schools. “We are equipping our workers with more and better educational and technological tools to carry out this work,” the ministry leader said.

Help Proclaim Freedom in Christ in Mexico

A 17-year-old tribal boy was carrying deep resentment over abuse he suffered from his parents and was beginning to rebel. Family members of a native Christian worker recently shared the gospel with him, and he put his faith in Christ. He learned to forgive his parents and felt a great weight lifted from him.

People in Mexico Hear Gospel for the First Time

Christians in Mexico gather for a picture in their church building made from gray bricks

Two indigenous families in rural Mexico had no inkling of God’s existence until they heard audio recordings of the Gospel of Mark in their tribal language. “When listening to our audios in their language, something changed in them,” the leader of a native ministry said. “These families have changed their way of being and thinking.” The two families recently put their faith in Christ and have begun attending church services.

Help Workers Share the Gospel in Mexico

A group of Christians stand together for a picture in their church which is made from gray bricks and a concrete floor

A native Christian worker is visiting a town that is very closed to the gospel in order to reach people from his own ethnic group. “He is constantly visiting that community with the purpose of raising a church,” the ministry leader said. Workers are bringing the Good News to another ethnic group in two towns that have become open to their visits.

Send the Message of Eternal Life in Mexico

Mexican Christian Evangelist praying for a Mexican man in a shed

An alcoholic who burglarized the home of a native Christian worker later threatened him so severely that he had to leave town with his family for a few days. The aggressor himself was later forced to leave the area because of his violent ways, and he became so emotionally distraught that he sought the worker’s help.

Equip Workers to Share the Gospel in Mexico

Through Bible studies, Sunday schools and other outreaches, native Christian workers are proclaiming the Good News. A 15-year-old girl at-risk from a troubled family came to a ministry’s orphanage and recently accepted Christ.