Help Provide Bibles and the Gospel in Mexico

Translators of the Bible into 26 indigenous languages also produce and distribute various materials to help build the kingdom. Workers at one ministry who translated all four Gospels into an indigenous language provided 1,000 copies to tribal people.

Help Send the Message of God’s Grace in Mexico

Many young people see working in poppy fields for drug cartels as their only way to make a living, but a 20-year-old man recently left that work after a relative discipled by a native ministry led him to Christ. Now Christian workers are discipling the young man, who is sharing the gospel with his parents and siblings and wants to bring the message of eternal life to other areas.

Open Gospel Opportunities in Mexico

Christian missionary provides dental care to Mexican man

To work among indigenous peoples who have resisted the gospel for centuries, native missionaries received training that includes practice periods among different tribes. In two areas they are also providing education to poor children, meeting a deep need as indigenous children have very limited access to schools.

Provide Gospel Tools and Training in Mexico

Mexican man holds songbook for another man playing a red guitar while others sit on the ground around them and listen

New Christians regularly met for Bible studies where they were encouraged to ask local missionaries questions, and in this way they deepened their understanding and faith. Workers distributed more than 6,000 Bibles and 500-plus audio Bible devices.

Alert Workers in Mexico Note Suicidal Signs in Boy

Mexican girl walks with a stack of sombreros on her head with little boy to her right

An 11-year-old boy in Mexico had trouble socializing, and his father was addicted to drugs, so local missionaries seeking to help him had persuaded his mother to let him live at their educational center living quarters. Workers noticed some alarming drawings in his notebook. The sketches made it clear the boy was suicidal.

Gospel Breaks Through Pandemic in Mexico

Building long-term relationships of trust is crucial for sharing the gospel in rural areas of Mexico, and for that local missionaries rely on personal interaction – the very thing the coronavirus pandemic curtails.