Provide Christian Workers With Evangelism Support in Lebanon

A student enrolled in a native ministry’s theology program recently participated in a class entitled “Preparing for Persecution,” a course that aims to prepare students how to respond when they are persecuted for their faith, particularly within the Middle Eastern context.

Help Missionaries Become More Effective Leaders in Lebanon

A native ministry’s theology program enables men and women already on the mission field to study part-time to enhance their biblical, historical, and theological understanding. “With the influx of new Arab believers, the Arab Church is in need of theologically educated and biblically trained men and women who are equipped for effective ministry to their communities across the Arab world,” the ministry leader said.

Give Hope To Struggling Families in Lebanon

Farmers in one ministry’s sustainable agricultural project reaped 35 tons of potatoes this season. The harvest, alongside a variety of green vegetables, was delivered to local families who also received donated winter clothes in preparation for colder weather.

Meet People’s Needs in Jesus’ Name in Lebanon

The need for medical care is growing as living conditions deteriorate among both the vulnerable and those with higher incomes. Medicine prices have also skyrocketed after the government lifted subsidies on most drugs. A native ministry is helping to meet the need at its clinic at the church site and at its community center, serving about 100 to 120 patients weekly. Both Lebanese and Syrian refugees receive care. Workers also helped them survive winter with blankets, tarps, food and vouchers to acquire fuel for heaters.

Enable Workers to Form Strong Disciples in Lebanon

Amid social, economic and political chaos, Lebanese nationals and refugees are putting their faith in Christ as local missionaries reach out to them. Distributing Bibles and gospel CDs and providing food and help finding work to the unemployed, workers also proclaimed Christ in home visits as they planted new home fellowships.

God Makes Himself Known to People in Lebanon

Invited to a native ministry’s Bible study in Lebanon by a Christian relative, an unbelieving man had arrived intent on criticizing it. The worker leading the meeting in Lebanon asked the visitor to read Psalm 91, but the man was stunned to find himself blinded to the words.
“I’m a university graduate, and I can’t read a single word,” he told the group. “Something is preventing me from opening my eyes. What is happening to me?”

Support Compassionate Outreach in Lebanon

When the government decided to remove and destroy tents occupied by Syrian refugees, the first night that families were suddenly without shelter, native Christian workers came to their aid. “It was during this very difficult time that we met their physical needs for food, prayed for them, helped them with transportation to visit the United Nations to petition for support, and helped as friends and advocates during a desperate time,” the leader said.

Help Plant Gospel Seed in Lebanon

A young Lebanese woman working in a field

Native Christian workers went to disciple a woman who recently put her faith in Christ, and her twin daughters said they wanted to attend church services. “They said that they had seen the change that took place in their mother’s life, and that they would like to attend Bible study,” the ministry leader said.

Help Provide Compassionate Care in Lebanon

Christian dentists provide dental services to two men in Lebanon

As living conditions continue to deteriorate, impoverished families have even less access to health care, and a native ministry is seeing more patients. Christian workers offer health care to both Lebanese and refugees at a clinic on their church premises, serving 100 to 120 patients weekly, and their facility at a community center offers lab tests, fetal monitoring, physiotherapy for adults and children, a pharmacy and other care.

Help Send Word of Christ’s Grace in Lebanon

Lebanese boy wearing a quarter-zip sweatshirt smiling

A father of three young children was pleased when they became involved in a native Christian ministry’s youth program, and when he was laid off from one of two jobs he had taken to support his family, a native Christian worker offered to pray for him.