Help Find And Connect With Native Ministries

No matter the circumstances, no matter the cost, native Christian missionaries boldly share the gospel wherever the Lord calls them to go. In some places, they preach to hundreds; in others, they disciple a handful.

Support Missionaries’ Faithful Work in South Asia

A young man and his parents were addicted to alcohol and their life was very difficult. The young man left his home and went to another city, where someone gave him a Bible to read. When he returned home, the man sought out a local missionary to answer his questions about God, and the missionary taught the man and his parents about Jesus.

Be The Hands And Feet Of Jesus in Iran

In the last six months, 20,000 Bibles were distributed across the country, with many smuggled or prayerfully left on park benches or in taxis by native missionaries who trust that those who find them will read and be transformed.

Provide Aid To Impoverished Villages in Africa

A native ministry sent a team of Christian workers to an area of extreme poverty in which alcoholism is rampant. While there, the missionaries ministered to the people by providing them with Bibles and distributing food, clothes, and shoes. Many of the people were grateful not only for the physical help but also the Bible teaching they received.

Make Disciples For The Lord in Indonesia

Many believers lack a deep understanding of the Bible and often feel defeated when their Muslim neighbors attack Christian beliefs. Native missionaries have recognized this problem, however, and have begun establishing Bible studies with the intent of equipping believers with sound Biblical doctrine.

Be The Salt Of The Earth in Peru

A violinist gave offerings to demonic pagan gods in hopes they would help him become famous. His fame grew, but so, too, did his addiction to it. When his wife gave her life to Christ, he had no interest in her testimony until one day when he became lost in the Andes.

Equip Missionaries To Impact Their Communities in Slovakia

Native ministry leaders led an evangelism training event for 65 Christian workers—primarily evangelists, pastors, and church planters—from five countries with the goal of teaching them to share the gospel through outreach, online ministry, and other seminars and trainings.

Care For The Abused And Mistreated in North Africa

After suffering years of sexual abuse at the hands of different men, a young woman was completely broken. She hated who she had become, and her relationship with God seemed damaged beyond repair. But when she finally accepted the help of a native ministry that runs a shelter for abused women, her life began to change.

Help Christian Workers Share The Gospel in Sri Lanka

One day, while driving a missionary from a native ministry, the taxi driver told the missionary that his wife was gravely ill. Though they had tried many ways to heal her through their own religion, nothing worked. The ministry worker shared the gospel with the taxi driver, told him of the healing power of Jesus, and gave him a Bible.

Deliver Bibles To The Broken-Hearted in Myanmar

Christian workers from one native ministry have delivered Bibles—often through smugglers’ routes—to refugees in at least five camps as well as to refugees living in 10 different countries. In some places, the transport was particularly dangerous as the Bibles were confiscated by soldiers; but each time, the missionaries were miraculously able to recover them.