Help Find And Vet Native Ministries

Evangelism is often effective when native missionaries establish trust with those to whom they want to share the gospel. For many Christian workers, this means integrating into communities through local jobs, such as in government or healthcare; teaching their neighbors important skills such as how to successfully grow vegetables or raise animals; or simply being their friend.

Teach New Believers Evangelism Techniques in Iraq

As the number of new believers increases, one native ministry has begun to organize trainings that teach about following Christ and obeying Scripture, as well as evangelism techniques. About 20 attendees at one of the recent training sessions live in areas under strict religious law and must serve the Lord and evangelize in total secrecy.

Share The Gospel’s Salvation Story in Guinea

The chief of a village in which Christian workers had planted a new church hated its presence and made frequent threats that he would have it removed. But when his wife became seriously ill, the chief asked the church pastor to pray for her. As the pastor and his prayer team prayed over the young woman, she opened her eyes and asked for water.

Lift Up Christian Workers in South Asia

When workers from a native ministry were called on to help a man who had begun to act in an unusual manner, they anointed him with oil and prayed over him. A few days later, he returned to his normal self. In another place, a woman was told she would not survive after both her kidneys began to fail. But church members gathered and prayed for her, and she was healed.

Advance Christ’s Kingdom Into Remote Places in Argentina

By walking or via motorcycle, native missionaries with one ministry visited and evangelized in several rural communities, including in remote and inhospitable mountain villages. Through storms and hot weather, and undeterred by roads thickened with mud, these Christian workers preached Scripture, provided Bible training to local tribal leaders, and baptized and discipled new believers.

Help Refugees Find Joy in Spain

An 8-year-old refugee girl who suffered severe trauma, including sexual abuse, was permitted by her Muslim family to attend a native ministry’s children’s program and Sunday school. After several months, her father commented that she was noticeably changed and full of joy that he couldn’t explain. Her mother, too, was in awe, asking what had happened to her daughter.

Share The Grace Of Christ in Sierra Leone

When ministry workers with one ministry met a pregnant teenager who lived on the streets, they learned she had fled her home to avoid marriage and female genital mutilation. They presented the gospel to her during an outreach event, and she joyfully accepted Christ. The church became her adopted family and even helped her with her medical bills after she gave birth.

Support Missionaries’ Gospel Work in the Philippines

To establish effective church plants in new villages, native Christian workers first integrate into the communities through helping the people create sustainable economic ventures. Missionaries provide farmers with fertilizer, seeds, beans, and tools, as well as livestock such as hogs, goats, or chickens.

Strengthen Persecuted Families in Pakistan

A native ministry provided immediate assistance to Christian families who were attacked by an angry mob and who suddenly found themselves homeless and without any basic necessities for life. The ministry provided cooking and eating supplies and temporary housing and meals, and they also distributed Bibles to those who lost theirs to the mob’s attack.

Support Discipleship Efforts in Israel

A young, single mother who struggled with severe anxiety began attending a mid-week Bible study and, as she became more involved, she saw her need for Jesus. The church members embraced her and, after a while, she chose to follow Christ and was baptized.