Provide Gospel and Discipleship Training in South Asia

More ministry has resumed as COVID-19 restrictions have lifted, though more persecution has come. Workers recently trained 60 elders and evangelists to be better leaders, and many families received training and counseling to solidify their faith. The Lord delivered several people from diseases and unclean spirits, and they put their faith in Christ.

Help Transform Lives with the Gospel in South Asia

Native Christian workers visited a man who was a hard worker but was addicted to alcohol. He had no peace, but the workers counseled him, prayed with him and told him about God’s love, and he accepted Christ. Pray for him as pressure from relatives and others keeps him from attending worship services.

Help Plant Fellowships in Sri Lanka

Besides offering instruction at a Bible school within its church, a native ministry trains young people for missionary outreach every Saturday. Ministry personnel share Christ in youth meetings among neighborhood children, in conversations with people in public places, in hospital visits and while distributing tracts to people at their homes.

Help Form Biblical Disciples in Pakistan

A native ministry that has seen lives transformed by its Bible correspondence courses also prints booklets on various culturally relevant topics, such as the role of prophets and the meaning of “the Son of God.” Sent by mail, the booklets are designed to clear up misconceptions that seekers and Pakistanis in general have about Christianity.

Help Spread the Good News in Bangladesh

A woman with pain in her knees learned about a native Christian worker visiting her village and asked for help, as she had heard that the Lord Jesus granted the requests of Christians who prayed for healing. The worker prayed for her and left, and when he returned a week later, she told him the pain was gone.

Help Bring Gospel Transformation in South Asia

The mother of a Christian family suffering hostilities from neighbors involved in witchcraft became ill and was unable to walk, and when snakes began appearing in her home, she called a special prayer meeting that 20 people attended, including non-Christians.

Help Bring the Gospel to the Unreached in South Asia

South Asian Christian missionary preaches the gospel to young men and women sitting outside on dry ground next to a house

A native ministry provides one year of biblical training to young men and women who wish to engage in full-time ministry, and those who seek further study are sent to Bible colleges. Ministry leaders are training them especially in bringing the gospel to areas where it is unknown.

Help Build the Kingdom with God’s Word in Pakistan

Pakistani pastor preaches from the pulpit to his small congregation

A native ministry’s correspondence courses focus on the theme of salvation through Christ and also include studies of biblical books, such as the Psalms, the Gospel of John and 1 Corinthians, among others. A monthly magazine acts as a follow-up tool for teachings on timely subjects and has been helpful for evangelists, Sunday school teachers and pastors.

Help Workers to Share the Message in Sri Lanka

Sri Lankan Christian woman teaches three children from the Bible while they color a Bible story coloring sheet

Villagers who had strongly opposed proclamation of the gospel are now listening to native Christian workers after seeing how they showed Christ’s love through aid to the poor, including food and English lessons for children. They have also seen the Lord heal the many people suffering from illnesses amid shortages of medicines.

Enable Workers to Share Christ in South Asia

South Asian Christian missionary wearing a brown suit and holding a Bible proclaims the gospel to a group of men and women

From urban slums to remote rural areas, native workers saw Christ bring light to the hearts of people living in darkness. A recent outreach to youth in one slum resulted in eight young people accepting Christ. In rural areas where alcoholism is rampant, new Christians gave up drinking and other unhealthy habits.