Help Train and Send Gospel Workers in Nepal

Nepali Christians wearing sweatshirts and sweatpants sitting in a barren field reading their Bibles

Native workers recently provided 239 new Christians with foundational training to set them on the path of discipleship in local churches. Basic tenets of the faith were taught over three days. One high school girl said she learned much about the Lord and the Bible but was especially thankful to learn of the role of baptism as a public testimony of faith.

Help Send the Gospel in Bangladesh

Bangladesh Christians sit on the floor of a house made of bamboo and grass discussing the Bible

In areas of poverty, disease and persecution, native workers guided by the Holy Spirit brought the message of eternal life to 1,420 people over a six-month period, with 270 of them trusting in Christ as Lord and Savior. Workers provided Bibles and discipled new converts as they brought them into fellowship.

Help Send the Message of Grace in South Asia

A South Asian woman sits on the ground while three South Asian pastors stretch out their hands and pray for her.

Native workers shared the gospel in 21 villages over a two-month period earlier this year. Pastors, evangelists and lay leaders led gospel outreaches that included home visits, open-air events and discipleship training.

Help Spread Word of God’s Kingdom in South Asia

Christian missionary places his hand on the head of a woman to pray for her

Recently trained Christian workers are undertaking pioneer church-planting in six areas. Besides reaching people online, they are proclaiming Christ in home visits, Bible studies, film screenings and by other means.

Help Form Witnesses for Christ in Sri Lanka

Sri Lankan school children sitting at their desks writing in their notebooks

Villagers opposed to gospel outreach softened after seeing aid that native Christian workers brought. “Village people changed as we were helping poor people and children,” the ministry leader said.

Help Proclaim the Savior as Lord in South Asia

South Asian Christians sitting outside on benches and stools under shady trees

More than 60 children whose parents lost their jobs due to the pandemic are living in extreme poverty, but native Christian workers are providing them meals twice a week. They are also helping the children catch up on schoolwork that dropped off due to COVID-19 lockdowns.

Help Power Gospel Proclamation in Pakistan

Pakistani Christian girl standing in front of a brick wall holding illustrated Bible

More than 60 children whose parents lost their jobs due to the pandemic are living in extreme poverty, but native Christian workers are providing them meals twice a week. They are also helping the children catch up on schoolwork that dropped off due to COVID-19 lockdowns.

Help Plant Churches in South Asia

South Asian Christians sitting on the floor in a member's house for church

A native ministry has established four new mission stations from which workers are planting house churches. “By the grace of God, post-COVID-19 ministry in the mission fields is growing faster than the earlier movement,” the group leader said, adding that 12 new churches emerged in seven districts.

Help Form Strong Disciples in Bangladesh

Bangladeshi pastor preaching to his small congregation

Visiting new Christians in various villages and teaching two seminars at their mission center, native Christian workers strengthened faith and made churches stronger. Their distribution of Bibles – 50 in one village, and 50 to a different people group in another, for example – has planted seeds for kingdom growth.

Tribal Priest in South Asia Finds True God

Villagers feared the chief priest of a tribal religion in South Asia because they believed he had received great power from a god, but Christians feared him for another reason. Born to a family of tribal priests, Mayank Markam* led worship and animal sacrifice at religious festivals and was well known beyond his community. Local people followed his directives in fear, but Christians feared him because they did not follow him – incurring his wrath.