Enable Workers to Share Christ in South Asia

A young woman’s parents and siblings were continually fighting, some enslaved to drugs, when she asked the heavens if there was any god who could deliver them; the next day a local Christian worker came to their home and explained how Christ died to deliver people from sin.

Help Needy Children in Sri Lanka

Economic and political chaos left destitute kids in even greater need, but a native ministry’s school was able to continue providing classes and nutrition. “Some were coming to school without even breakfast,” the ministry leader said.

Help Bring Aid for the Poor in Africa

A native ministry leader in Zimbabwe was thankful to native workers who made it possible for impoverished families to prepare meals for their families at Christmas. “There were elderly people too who deeply appreciated the food, especially this time of the year when many have zero,” the leader said.

Provide Disaster Aid in South Asia

Poor migrant workers were struggling to feed their families during COVID-19 lockdowns, but native Christian missionaries came to their aid. “We distributed grocery items for these poor migrant factory workers who were locked down in their own quarters with police observance,” the ministry leader said.

Help Children Know Christ in Bangladesh

Workers at a native ministry are caring for 350 children, providing materials and tuition for school, supporting their Bible teachers and operating a quarterly spiritual camp, Sunday schools and a hostel. “Our children are the future of this ministry and the church of the Lord,” the ministry leader said.

Support Evangelistic Outreach in Nepal

A pastor with a native ministry joyfully carried on work in spite of suffering from a tumor and illnesses in his family. “Despite all this, God remained faithful, especially in saving the lost,” he said.

Provide Education to Poor Children in Pakistan

More than 185 children from poor families who work in brick kilns received education at a school that local Christian workers made available to them. Without education, such children have no way of escaping a future of working off the debts of their parents, who are essentially bonded slaves unable to escape indebtedness.

Provide Aid to the Poor in South Asia

In areas where 90 percent of the people live below the poverty level, a native ministry distributed staple items that families could not afford so they could cook meals. Workers also distributed food packets to 80 poor families.

Help Bring the Good News in South Asia

A 17-year-old girl heard a local Christian worker’s gospel message on YouTube and wanted to learn more, so she began attending a native ministry’s church. She put her faith in Christ and, as her village had no church, requested workers start a prayer meeting at her house; now more than four new families and others are worshipping there. “

Provide Critical Care for the Needy in Sri Lanka

Villagers that once opposed outreach are now more welcoming after seeing and experiencing God’s love through local Christian workers’ aid to the poor. “These days village poor people are suffering,” the native ministry leader said.