Help Plant and Grow Faith in Christ in Nepal

Recently 239 new Christians were solidly grounded in their faith through a three-day training that local Christian workers provided. A high school girl said she thanked God for the training, adding, “I learned many things about God and the Bible.”

Help Drive Kingdom Expansion in South Asia

Tribal people steeped in centuries of animist tradition have become more open to local Christian workers sharing the gospel with them. “Because they are very strong in their belief, it’s not so easy to have a big break-through,” the native ministry leader said, “but one woman has been a blessing to us when she accepted Christ and took baptism, and now she is very strong in her newfound Lord and Savior Jesus Christ and very active in the women’s ministry.”

Provide Crucial Aid for the Needy in Bangladesh

People suffering from unprecedented flooding received critical aid from a native ministry thanks to your donations. A Muslim father of three children said no one came to help his family when flooding left them hungry and unable to work until a native Christian worker brought them food.

Send Messengers of Eternal Life in South Asia

A mother tried witchcraft among many treatments she tried to relieve migraines she had suffered for a year. As a last resort she went to local Christian workers for healing prayer, and within a few days she was completely cured.

Help Bring Gospel Transformation in Sri Lanka

As economic and political crises led to medicine shortages, native missionaries invited many sick people to worship services where they received healing prayer. One woman who had suffered for six months with chest pain received healing and is now testifying of the Lord’s power to other villagers.

Provide Aid To The Needy in South Asia

Native missionaries took great joy in seeing how 60 needy children at their hostel advanced in mind and spirit as they provided them food, lodging and schooling. “We taught them Bible verses and stories,” the ministry leader said.

Help the Gospel Go to Thousands in South Asia

The chief priest of a local tribe’s religion persecuted churches for many years, but when he faced a life-threatening illness, he requested that his family take him to Christians for prayer. Local missionaries and other church members prayed for him for three days, and he was healed.

Enable Gospel Efforts in Bangladesh

New Christians at a local ministry leader’s church are growing in their faith as they pray during worship every Sunday and lead their families in evening meetings at their homes.