Bring God’s Love to Children in South Asia

Local missionaries providing literacy classes to poor children paid special attention to a 10-year-old boy who was anxious and withdrawn after the death of his father, and one day a teacher taught about how Christ will not leave His people as orphans (John 14:18).

Help Seed and Grow Gospel Harvest in South Asia

Almost all villagers attending evangelistic jungle camps at 10 native mission centers put their faith in Christ after hearing local workers preach the gospel and witnessing the praise, prayer and testimonies of area Christians.

Provide Bible Study Materials in Pakistan

Pakistani women receive bibles

Many people write to a local ministry about how its Bible correspondence courses have led them to Christ. The ministry sends its Bible courses to Christian youths and adults, as well as to seekers, with non-Christians representing 25 percent of those enrolled.

Help Workers Share the Message of Salvation in South Asia

A mother of three children who also worked as a laborer fell ill with a mysterious weakness that often caused her to fall. Medical tests did not find the cause, and medications and the religious rites her family undertook on her behalf had no effect.

Open Way for Kingdom Growth in Bangladesh

Bangladeshi Christian receives funds from Christian missionary in his home

Native ministry leaders were pleased that pastors and other church leaders benefited so much from leadership training sessions that emphasized practical application of what they had learned. Ministry leaders also visited various villages offering seminars to build up believers, including the elderly, parents and youth.

Help Expand God’s Kingdom in Sri Lanka

Sri Lankan Christians led in prayer by Christian missionary in classroom

The gospel is spreading as native ministry workers distribute Bibles and gospel tracts and visit hospital patients and homes. A worker visited one home where the children were going hungry because their father had spent the meager household income in failed efforts to cure his wife’s illness and demonic bondage.

Help Drive Evangelistic Outreach in South Asia

After months of outreach limited by pandemic restrictions, local missionaries were able to go to two villages for follow-up Bible study with new Christians. “The idea is not that we will never face opposition; it’s simply that our opposition is doomed to failure,” the ministry leader said.

Help Power Gospel Proclamation in South Asia

Local missionaries started a house church and trained a family to take the gospel to others in the area. The family visited homes and helped those who were sick, hopeless, bereaved or unemployed, and three other families began attending Sunday services.