Equip and Encourage Evangelists in South Asia

Local missionaries are proclaiming salvation in Christ in spite of violence against them and discrimination that deprives Christians of rations and other aid. “Christians, local missionaries and pastors are being persecuted and beaten, but still they stand for God,” a ministry leader said.

Help Form New Disciples in Pakistan

Pakistani family in front of their house

Local missionaries held a prayer meeting where they encouraged church members to spread the Word of God, and soon the Lord had not only grown the congregation spiritually but increased it in number. Having shared the gospel at an area home for months, the ministry leader was overjoyed that one family member recently put her faith in Christ.

Equip Gospel Workers in South Asia

A woman from a family devoted to a local religion was invited to a native ministry’s church, and as she began reading the New Testament, she felt herself changing within. “One day I felt I was a sinner and prayed to Jesus, and I felt a great joy and peace which I never experienced in my life,” she said.