Celebrate With New Believers in Sri Lanka

A man and his wife, both workers on a rubber estate, faced an uncertain future due to their low monthly income and loans they struggled to pay. But through native missionaries, they heard the good news of Jesus and chose to put their trust in Him. Now, they have worked themselves free of their financial issues and are filled with peace.

Encourage Those New To The Faith in Sri Lanka

A boy who could not speak began attending a native ministry’s preschool program, and ministry staff not only prayed for the child, but they also ministered to his mother. Through their faithful prayers, the little boy began to speak, and his mother accepted Christ as Savior. Though she now faces opposition because of her new faith, she has not wavered.

Support New Believers’ Deepening Faith in South Asia

More than 50 women attended a women’s conference organized by a native ministry to learn about the power of prayer. Most of the participants are ministry leaders themselves, and they expressed their gratitude for the many sessions available for them to attend during the conference, which was called “Empowerment through Prayer.”

Plant Gospel Seeds in Bangladesh

A Hindu woman in a native ministry’s tailoring program was amazed by a missionary’s story of Jesus following the conclusion of class one day. She invited the missionary to her home because her husband, a rickshaw driver, wanted to know more about Jesus too.

Help Lead The Lost To Christ in South Asia

Ministry workers laid the foundation stone for a new prayer hall, an exciting step toward creating a new place of worship in the region. Evangelism has been so fruitful here that many of the 400 to 500 worshippers sit outside the current meeting place each Sunday because there is not enough space inside for all to come together.

Embolden Workers Fighting Spiritual Battles in South Asia

For years, evil spirits tormented a devout follower of a native religion, and his religion’s magicians could not help him. Finally, he visited a Christian church and asked for prayer. A ministry worker shared the gospel and prayed for the distressed man, who was then attacked by the spirits until he fell unconscious.

Provide Native Workers With Outreach Tools in Pakistan

A native ministry has sparked change in a region of Pakistan in which child labor is a normal part of life. Through community outreach such as distributing school supplies to families, ministry workers can now report that 30 children who once worked in the brick kiln factories are now attending school instead.

Witch Doctors Are No Match Against the Power of Christ

Charna’s* father is a priest in a traditional South Asian religion, but as followers of that religion, Charna noticed that her family seemed oppressed by an invisible darkness. “Almost all in the family were possessed by evil spirits and demonic attacks were very severe in the family,” she said.
Her father disliked Christians and would frequently perform rituals against the Christian families and ministry workers in their village while at the same time performing rituals seeking peace for his family.
His efforts were always in vain. The Christians in the community remained, and Charna’s family seemed to sink into an even deeper spiritual struggle. When someone fell sick, which was often, they sought answers from magicians and spent enormous amounts of money on special offerings and sacrifices.

Transform Lives With The Gospel in Pakistan

A man who considered himself a nominal Christian received a booklet from a local ministry and, as he read, he “gained a profound clarity about the nature of Jesus as the Son of God.” Previously, he struggled with doubts about his faith, particularly regarding Christ as divine, but he found all the answers to his questions within the booklet.

Strengthen Church Leaders For Spiritual Warfare in North Africa

Eight young Muslim men were recruited from their villages by jihadists and spent more than a year involved in terrorism activities. But they soon realized their error in judgment and fled. When they happened upon Christian workers, they received Bibles in their native languages, and all chose to follow Jesus.