Support Biblical Education in Sri Lanka

A recent gift of five smartboards to a native ministry has provided an opportunity to expand the online theological program. The donation enables Christian leaders to better serve the needs of believers who are unable to attend some of the more than 230 available classes.

Help Missionaries Shepherd New Believers in South Asia

A Hindu man left his life of idol worship after he met a Christian worker who led him to Christ. Despite the opposition of his family, he believes he found truth in Jesus. “I stopped worshipping idols and photos and visiting temples,” he said. “I knew that they were false and misleading.”

Help Workers Connect With Local Tribes in Bangladesh

Church planting and evangelism have been fruitful among the people of Bangladesh, and the recent completion of one ministry’s new church building culminated in a dedication ceremony in which Christian leaders preached a revival meeting.

Assist Native Workers’ Evangelism in South Asia

A handicapped girl received a wheelchair and 315 people obtained medicine at a free medical clinic provided by a native ministry. Christian workers also serve free midday meals to 40 senior adults at a nearby old age home and oversee a children’s home in which 15 children live.

Form and Strengthen Disciples in Pakistan

A native ministry that provides Bible correspondence courses also distributes a magazine as a follow-up tool to address issues for those exploring Christianity. Evangelists, Sunday school teachers, and other church leaders also use the magazine to bring people closer to Christ. “We work for church enrichment and spiritual growth,” the ministry leader said.

Help Bring Gospel Transformation in Sri Lanka

As economic and political crises led to medicine shortages, native missionaries invited many sick people to worship services where they received healing prayer. One woman who had suffered for six months with chest pain received healing and is now testifying of the Lord’s power to other villagers. “Some villages were strongly against the Good News of Jesus, but now the people have changed, as they know we are helping poor people and children,” the ministry leader said.

Provide Aid to the Needy in South Asia

Native missionaries took great joy in seeing how 60 needy children at their hostel advanced in mind and spirit as they provided them food, lodging, and schooling. “We taught them Bible verses and stories,” the ministry leader said. “They participated in worship singing, playing musical instruments, ushering, and cleaning inside and outside the church premise.”

Fuel Revival amid Opposition in South Asia

Despite increasing opposition and persecution, a ministry reached over 56,000 people with the gospel for the first time in 45 villages within a six-month span. Of the thousands who accepted Christ, one of the new believers comes from a family who worships false gods and had spent all their money on sacrifices to alleviate their many problems to no avail. After she accepted Christ, her family kicked her out, and she lives in a hut on the outskirts of her village where local believers disciple and take care of her.

Help the Gospel Go to Thousands in South Asia

The chief priest of a local tribe’s religion persecuted churches for many years, but when he faced a life-threatening illness, he requested that his family take him to Christians for prayer. Local missionaries and other church members prayed for him for three days, and he was healed.

Enable Gospel Efforts in Bangladesh

New Christians at a local ministry leader’s church are growing in their faith as they pray during worship every Sunday and lead their families in evening meetings at their homes. Workers are discipling fledgling Christians even as they visit new villages to distribute Bibles and begin forming relationships; over one six-month stretch, they proclaimed Christ to 1,200 people of other religions, and 12 churches were planted.