Support Frontline Missionaries in South Asia

A native ministry focused efforts on revival and youth, bringing joy to workers as spirits were refreshed and members of the next generation committed their lives to Christ. “When young people are revived, churches experience freshness, organizations are revived and the ministry passes on to the next generation,” the ministry leader said.

Help Plant Churches in Unreached Areas in South Asia

In South Asia, the Church is growing through miraculous demonstrations of God’s power. A 55-year-old man fell from the second floor of a building and damaged his spinal cord and hips. For about five years, he was bedridden and unable to walk or stand without help. When a new house church opened in his village, the man heard about miraculous healings happening there and invited the elders to pray for him.

Bring God’s Love to Children in South Asia

Local missionaries providing literacy classes to poor children paid special attention to a 10-year-old boy who was anxious and withdrawn after the death of his father, and one day a teacher taught about how Christ will not leave His people as orphans (John 14:18). Listening intently with tears falling, the boy gave his life to Christ that day, and he is now an engaged and cheerful student who makes others laugh.

Help Seed and Grow Gospel Harvest in South Asia

Almost all villagers attending evangelistic jungle camps at 10 native mission centers put their faith in Christ after hearing local workers preach the gospel and witnessing the praise, prayer and testimonies of area Christians. “Seeing all these people’s enjoyment irrespective of class, creed and language, many were interested to know more about the Bible and Jesus Christ,” the ministry leader said.

Help Expand Christ’s Kingdom in Bangladesh

A follower of a local religion was unable to find peace, and when native missionaries shared the gospel with him, he listened carefully as they taught from the Bible. After much consideration, he put his faith in Christ. “I have left my old behavior and character, and I am saved now,” he said.

Provide Bible Study Materials in Pakistan

Many people write to a local ministry about how its Bible correspondence courses have led them to Christ. The ministry sends its Bible courses to Christian youths and adults, as well as to seekers, with non-Christians representing 25 percent of those enrolled. Workers have also designed children’s stories for Sunday schools.

Help Workers Share the Message of Salvation in South Asia

A mother of three children who also worked as a laborer fell ill with a mysterious weakness that often caused her to fall. Medical tests did not find the cause, and medications and the religious rites her family undertook on her behalf had no effect. She had various injuries as a result of her falls when a local missionary visited, prayed and shared the gospel with her.

Build Biblically Solid Churches in Bangladesh

Native Christian workers following up with people who accepted Christ during home visits later prayed and studied the Scripture with them and left them with Bibles. “They were very happy to get this special thing,” the ministry leader said.

Help Bring Gospel Transformation in South Asia

As new Christians stepped out in faith to build God’s kingdom, they found the Lord wondrously helped them. Native Christian workers discipled young people in how to minister to people in their community, and widespread alcohol abuse, black magic and gambling decreased.

Strengthen the Body of Christ in Pakistan

A pastor recently expressed thanks that he was able to share the gospel with tribal people after receiving an invitation to preach among them. The ministry that supports the pastor also reached many villages with the gospel while distributing aid for victims of flooding, taking advantage of a worker’s ability to speak their local language.