Be a Supply Line for Native Missionaries in South Asia

A villager opposed to the gospel told anyone who became a Christian that their children would be denied admission to government schools. A native Christian worker helped poor children gain admission to schools as part of his ministry, and when the daughter of the villager was denied access for reasons that were unclear, the worker advocated on his behalf.

Invite People into God’s Family in North Africa

A young woman estranged from her family called out to God, and a friend invited her to a native Christian ministry’s meeting, where she experienced the love of Christ through the other women and leaders. She attended a conference with them and put her faith in Christ as Lord and Savior.

Help Share the Good News in South Asia

A woman who had suffered from migraines for three years and often fell unconscious came to a native worker’s church with her family. They accepted Christ and received prayer for healing, and she and her son, who had suffered boils on his body for a year, completely recovered.

Support Evangelism and Discipleship in Sri Lanka

A woman who sensed the Lord’s call to evangelism attended a native ministry’s seminary, where she became confident in how to present the gospel and also sharpened her mind as she engaged with other students. The friendships she made with colleagues from other denominations helped break down barriers, unifying churches to serve together.

Help Bring the Lost to Faith in South Asia

A man who accepted Christ as a youth received beatings from his father for becoming a Christian, and he stopped attending church and slipped into ungodly behaviors. He became an alcoholic, and progress at a rehabilitation center was followed by relapses.

Help Sow Gospel Seed in Bangladesh

Christians in Bangladesh praying in a local store

Meeting people in marketplaces, shops and home visits, native Christian workers form friendships and share the gospel as they invest in the lives of others. Opportunities to tell people about Christ also arise as they distribute water and medicines and give free training in tailoring.

Help Provide the Bread of Life in Pakistan

Two Pakistani Christians wearing white shirts holding their new Bible

The Lord is working through a native ministry that recently distributed hundreds of Bibles, including audio Bibles. One recipient said, “I am an illiterate person who had a thirst for the Word of God. Now after receiving the audio Bible, I listen to the Psalms and am being blessed by it.”

Help Form and Disciple New Christians in South Asia

Christians in South Asia gathered together for church in a small room sitting in rows of plastic chairs

A native ministry has increased its outreach, resulting in more people receiving prayer for healing and accepting Christ’s grace. “After receiving baptism, saints regularly attend the house church for breaking of bread, learning the Word and giving themselves to prayer and witnessing,” the ministry leader said.

Provide Aid for Victims of Disaster in South Asia

People standing among the wreckage of a village caused by torrential rains in South Asia

Torrential rains have pounded various countries in the region, inundating homes with water and turning streets and farmlands into rivers. Flooding and landslides have led to the deaths of many people. Survivors are in desperate need of food, water and other aid as they consider how to rebuild their damaged or destroyed homes.

Support Evangelism and Discipleship in Sri Lanka

Christians in Sri Lanka standing indoors with their hands raised or folded while praying

A native Christian worker making home visits prayed for a sick family member, and then invited her to a Friday prayer meeting. Christians prayed for her there and at a Sunday morning worship service that she attended. “She said she felt a little better, and she contentedly came on Sundays for three months,” the ministry leader said.