Support Gospel Outreach in South Asia

Christian missionary in South Asia praying for others at a local school

A man had decided to divorce his wife because they had only one child, a mute girl, and the couple had been unable to conceive other children despite many medical treatments. They then met native Christian workers who shared the gospel with them, and both put their faith in Christ.

Help Spread the Good News in South Asia

A missionary in South Asia shares the gospel to a group of men and women wearing formal clothing on a porch covered by a tin roof

Native Christian workers visiting newly discovered villages were overjoyed to form relationships, begin small group Bible studies and host evangelistic meetings, as well as witness God’s healing power when they prayed for the sick. “Consequently, many chose to accept Jesus Christ as their Savior, and the Good News spread to other households in the villages,” the ministry leader said.

Help the Lost to Know Christ in Pakistan

Pakistan Christian pastor preacher while holding microphone and standing next to a brick wall

Native Christian workers are finding ample opportunities to share the gospel with the unreached as four new house churches regularly receive visitors. People from the surrounding communities have never heard about Christ’s grace. “Listening to the Word of God, they have started knowing the Lord Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit has changed their lives,” the ministry leader said.

Help Advance the Kingdom in South Asia

Christians in South Asia gather in their church for service sitting on wooden pews looking at their pastor preaching

Members of mid-week cell groups who received discipleship from native Christian workers are in turn discipling youths, as they learn together how to do various kinds of outreach. The workers are available to counsel and help the cell groups when they run into challenges too large to face on their own.

Equip Gospel Workers in Bangladesh

Christian missionaries sitting outside on plastic stools and chairs read the Bible to a group of Bangledeshi woman and children

The interest that an ethnic group showed when a native Christian worker shared the gospel in their tribal tongue compelled him to return to their village several times. Each time they heard him speak, they wanted to know more, and after a few months many of them put their faith in Christ and were baptized.

Help Form Strong Disciples in Sri Lanka

Christians in Sri Lanka place hands on a young girl to pray for her in a room with green walls

When three families recently received Christ and began attending a native ministry’s church, the transformation that villagers saw in their lives led six others and their children to begin attending worship services as well. Residents noticed a changed atmosphere in the community, which helped win more people to Christ.

Support Gospel Work in South Asia

Christians in South Asia gathered together in a green room singing praises to God

Idol worship, alcoholism and prostitution had darkened a village that a native Christian worker recently visited. “When he went to this area and preached the love of Christ, people there accepted the Lord and renounced their life of sin,” the ministry leader said. “When other people saw the visible change in the believers, they too surrendered their lives to Christ. All these folks are attending church now.”

Support Evangelism and Discipleship in South Asia

South Asian Christians playing outside in a grassy area with an inflatable beach ball

When a native worker went to a Christian’s home, non-Christian neighbors were angry that her feet had touched their area and came over to beat them. The Christians continued to pray, however, and the hostile family left – only to return days later to ask the worker to pray for a grandchild that had died. She prayed, and the child was revived.

Help Spread the Salvation Message in Bangladesh

Christians in Bangladesh sit cross-legged on the floor of a bamboo and tin house going through a rigorous Bible study together

A follower of a traditional religion wondered how his sin could be removed, and then a native Christian worker had the opportunity to share the gospel with him. The man received Christ and has begun telling his relatives about God’s grace. Workers focusing on an unreached people group recently planted a church among them, and members of that congregation are bringing the gospel to their relatives in a neighboring village.

Help Send the Salvation Message in Sri Lanka

Sri Lankan children wearing their white and blue uniforms at school crowding around their teacher

A native ministry that provides shelter, food and education to orphans and other poor children is doing much to raise future generations of biblically grounded Christians. A teacher at the ministry’s school recently told children about the importance of doing what is right, explaining that Christ would help as she shared the gospel with them.