Help Power Gospel Advance in South Asia

South Asian man and children using dried grasses to make a wall for their shelter

The leader of a native ministry recently had the opportunity to preach in two new villages, resulting in two families putting their faith in Christ and joining churches. He and other workers have focused on two people groups in the grip of witchcraft and alcohol. In one village, workers prayed for a man known for his malice, sexual immorality, drinking and stealing, and he said he felt the power of God piercing through him as he remembered every sin he had ever committed.

Help Bring Gospel Transformation in Pakistan

Pakistani Christian worker gives food to man so that he and his two children can eat

A farmer woke one morning unable to get out of bed or speak. A native Christian worker visited his home and shared how Christ is able to heal. Weeping, the man called on the Lord in his heart. “The Word of God touched me, and I repented of my sins and accepted Jesus Christ as my Savior,” he said, adding that he was later healed after further prayer.

Help Bring Gospel Reconciliation in Nepal

Nepalese Christians meeting outside wearing warm clothes sitting in blue lawn chairs for a Bible study

Witchdoctors unable to cure a sick woman accused her neighbor of putting a curse on her. The neighbor was then ostracized, and her health deteriorated as she worried that she could be publicly beaten over the false accusation. After medical treatment failed, her family brought her to a native Christian worker for prayer, and when she attended his worship service, she was astonished to find her sick neighbor present.

Support Church Planters in South Asia

Southeast Asian Christian man with his hand on top of a girls head praying for her while others sit nearby

A 40-year-old man who showed signs of demonic possession since age 10 used to run out of his house in the middle of the night and eat ashes from ritual cremation grounds. He had been to witchdoctors and received all possible medical treatments without success before he heard a native Christian worker preach in his village this year

Give the Lost a Chance for Salvation in South Asia

Traveling nine hours by car, native Christian workers recently reached a town where a local church member had organized a meeting on her rooftop; many of her non-Christian friends and relatives were gathered. “The session was very anointed and blessed,” the ministry leader said. “Many people surrendered their lives for Jesus.” The Lord has been doing amazing things.

Help Send the Gospel to the Unreached in Bangladesh

A native ministry has sent new workers to share the gospel with two major tribes, joining those already working among six ethnic groups. “We have seen that lives among the people groups have been improving since the native missionaries started working in the three hill districts,” the ministry leader said.

Provide Food and Compassionate Aid in Sri Lanka

The number of children arriving hungry at a native Christian ministry’s primary school grew amid economic and social unrest, and workers provided them with lunches of nutritious rice and curry. “The mid-day meal is the most important one in Sri Lanka, and we are glad that we are able to feed these children,” the ministry leader said.

Help Spread the Kingdom Message in Pakistan

Villagers labor long hours as indentured servants, working off insurmountable debt making kiln-fired bricks. Their children are trapped in the cycle of poverty but receive hope in Christ through Sunday schools that native Christian workers provide in various villages.

Help Form Strong Disciples in Nepal

A 36-year-old man gradually descended into madness, neglecting his family and drinking so much he often slept on the street. Attending a native ministry’s church, the gospel sank deeply into his heart, and he met with the pastor and put his faith in Christ.

Support Kingdom Expansion in South Asia

A church pastor with a gift for touching people’s hearts with the gospel recently visited nearby villages and shared Christ continuously. Many people hearing his message immediately accepted Christ as Lord and Savior. The Lord also worked through other workers, giving speech to a young mute woman and bringing peace of mind to a mother whose nervous disorder had left her unable to eat, sleep or work.