Silence is Not an Option

For a moment in time—when a democratically elected president stood at Myanmar’s helm—a generation of young adults hoped life would be different than it had been for the generations that came before them. But in February 2021, when that same president was overthrown in a military coup, that dream shattered.

Make Disciples For The Lord in Indonesia

Many believers lack a deep understanding of the Bible and often feel defeated when their Muslim neighbors attack Christian beliefs. Native missionaries have recognized this problem, however, and have begun establishing Bible studies with the intent of equipping believers with sound Biblical doctrine.

Deliver Bibles To The Broken-Hearted in Myanmar

Christian workers from one native ministry have delivered Bibles—often through smugglers’ routes—to refugees in at least five camps as well as to refugees living in 10 different countries. In some places, the transport was particularly dangerous as the Bibles were confiscated by soldiers; but each time, the missionaries were miraculously able to recover them.

Expand The Lord’s Kingdom in Cambodia

A native ministry leader estimates that approximately 95 percent of those who listen to his ministry’s radio program are not believers, but more come to know Jesus every day. In the first quarter of 2024 alone, the program led more than 200 people to Christ, and 123 were baptized by the ministry’s pastors across the country.

Assist With Missionaries’ Medical Outreach in the Philippines

During a recent four-day conference for native missionaries, the 250 participants not only committed to pursue God’s calling on their lives, but they also conducted house-to-house evangelism. Those they met during this outreach who had health issues or concerns were invited to come to the conference venue for a free medical check-up, where many received medicine and eyeglasses, if needed.

Assist With Gospel Outreach in Cambodia

Through a native ministry’s radio program, millions of people have heard the gospel, and approximately 100 to 150 people became believers during a two-month period. “Glory to our almighty God, and our Lord Jesus Christ!” the ministry leader said. Missionaries see their country as ripe for harvest and regularly conduct home visitations, pray for their communities, and answer questions about Christ.

Lift Up New Followers Of Christ in Thailand

A construction worker who attended church for years would not commit his life to Christ because of pressure from his family. But during an event organized by a native ministry, the Holy Spirit convicted him, and he and his wife knelt together and accepted Christ as Savior. Since that time, he has become a faithful member of the church and shares the gospel with others.

Make Disciples Despite Challenging Times in Southeast Asia

Despite challenging times in the region, ministry leaders trust that God has not forgotten them. “Even in these difficult times, we see God’s grace,” one leader said. His ministry recently completed a Bible translation revision, and the ministry’s Bible school, which has been in existence for 28 years, held its traditional three-day missions conference as part of its graduation events.

Help Expand God’s Kingdom in Ivory Coast

A tribal priest who practiced witchcraft was a persecutor of Christians and the reason a native ministry was unable to plant a church in his village. But as missionaries led a revival in another town, his pregnant wife became ill and, after the doctor said he could not heal her, she was brought to them for help.

Share The Hope Of Christ in Myanmar

Evangelism seems impossible in the war-torn country, but missionaries persevere, traveling to villages and preaching the gospel, baptizing new believers, and fellowshipping. “As you know, the situation in our country is getting worse,” one ministry leader said. “But by the grace of God we try our best to reach our people with the gospel of Jesus Christ.”