Distribute Bibles In Indigenous Languages in Laos

A native ministry is preparing to distribute audio versions of the books of Matthew, Mark, Romans, 1 and 2 Corinthians, and Galatians in an indigenous language, as well as Bible stories, worship songs, and copies of the entire Bible. “These audio tools have been a key source in proclaiming the gospel, as well as spiritually feeding both new and existing believers,” the ministry leader said.

Support Discipleschip Of Persecuted Believers in Laos

A village leader known for his dislike of Christians gave five local Christian families an ultimatum: leave or renounce their faith. The families refused either option and instead continued to worship together in a home. But their defiance increased the village leader’s hatred.

Rescue People from Darkness in Laos

A worker recently led four people to Christ after they listened to a digital audio recording of the ministry leader’s gospel presentation. A worker in another area also gave villagers audio players so they could listen to the recorded messages. “After that, he led them to Jesus,” the leader said. “Now they have been facing serious persecution, and he is taking care of them.”

Help Plant Fellowships in Laos

Laotian Christian points a sign while speaking through a microphone while another man works on the electronic equipment

Native Christian workers planted 26 churches over a six-month period in two ways: They led people to Christ at seminars that families from different areas attended, with those people going back to their villages to worship in their homes, while other churches began as ministry teams brought the gospel to various districts.

Help the Unreached Find God in Laos

A 28-year-old woman wondered if she had offended local spirits or failed to sacrifice enough to them, as neither they nor doctors had healed her of an illness. A native Christian worker visiting her village told her that Christ had the power to heal her, and she invited Him into her life. She obtained relief after workers prayed for her, her health much improved over time and she stopped fearing spirits.

Christians Defy Orders in Laos

A pastor in Laos recently went to an area heavily influenced by “old school” soldiers in the communist country who strongly detested Christianity, the leader of a native ministry said. “The pastor took the risk to evangelize in this area and led 20 people to the Lord,” the leader said. “The village authorities were shocked, and the police came to drive the pastor away – with the threat to arrest him, if he returned.” The pastor told the ministry leader and others at a conference that he was not frightened by the threats.

Help Workers Share the Gospel in Laos

Laotian children, most of them wearing uniforms, sitting on wooden benches in a church

In spite of persecution and other hardships, godly and faithful leaders have helped a native ministry to grow God’s kingdom exponentially. Workers have led more than 30,000 people to Christ and planted more than 250 churches since the ministry began 26 years ago.

Send the Salvation Message in Laos

A stagnant house church increased from seven families to 22 families after native Christian workers gave members 10 radios for sharing electronically loaded gospel messages. “They love it very much and listen to it every day, even when going to rice fields to work,” the ministry leader said.

Help Plant and Grow Gospel Seeds in Laos

After three years of COVID-19 pausing a native ministry from holding seminars, local Christian workers were overjoyed to resume the meetings with 60 pastors and other leaders to advise and encourage them. At another seminar where 106 attended, 46 had been persecuted, including one who was imprisoned for traveling to unreached people.

Evangelists in Laos Brave Persecution

Lao Christians gather in their church building to worship the Lord

Languishing in prison after being arrested for his faith, a native Christian worker in Laos feared he would die of starvation. “Samyoung* said everyone in the prison relieved themselves on the floor, and he saw people die of starvation,” a native ministry leader said. “If no family member came to retrieve the body, they were wrapped in plastic and just thrown away. It was a terrifying experience, but he kept praying and thinking about the ministry’s radio messages of encouragement.”