Train Leaders For War-Torn Mission Field in Myanmar

Thousands of people have been brutally murdered in Myanmar’s ongoing civil war, and many thousands more have fled their homes. But the Holy Spirit continues to move despite the oppressive fear that hangs over the country.

Send the Salvation Message in Burma

Sometimes relocating from one place to another to escape military and other violence, native Christian workers at one ministry shared the gospel with 4,500 people over a period of six months. Helping to meet humanitarian needs such as food and health care opened the way for many gospel discussions, and the ministry emphasizes one-on-one evangelism as most effective.

Provide Care to Traumatized People in Burma

The military regime in Burma continues to attack its own citizens to quash resistance, causing innocent civilians to suffer. A ministry reported that a village was destroyed just 10 minutes from its headquarters. At least 150 houses were burned, two people were burned alive, and four others are missing.

Help Workers Pioneer the Gospel in Burma

A new mission field has opened up for native Christian workers in a town of staunch Buddhists. A contact there recently invited workers to share the gospel, and they found local people were receptive. Seven people put their faith in Christ for forgiveness of sins and eternal life and were baptized the next day.

Enable Workers to Share the Gospel in Burma

Christians in Burma gather for church in a pavilion made from bamboo

In an area where the people were known for their cruelty and opposition to the gospel, native Christian workers found cyclone damage and military conflict have opened hearts to hearing about Christ. Having planted churches in rural villages for nearly 30 years, workers are also eager to establish congregations in a city.

Provide Aid to the Needy in Burma

Women and girls in Burma receive much needed supplies under a pavilion

Some villagers displaced by military operations continue to be bombed after fleeing into jungles, and young people are arrested and either held in unknown locations or killed, while others are forcibly recruited to fight. Many of the displaced are starving. Native Christian workers are giving them hope for new life as they provide food, clothing and other aid, including education for children, along with the gospel.

Provide Aid to the Needy in Burma

Military conflicts have driven thousands of people from their homes, and native Christian workers are often the only ones in position to help them. Workers recently brought rice, oil and the gospel to 74 families in one area, 65 in another and 60 at a separate location; over the course of six months, they provided 1,476 people with food and the message of Christ’s salvation.

Help Bring Aid to the Needy in Burma

Leaders of native ministries request urgent prayer for aid and protection amid constant surges of people displaced by military conflict, and for workers risking their lives to help them. Recently fighting drove more than 40,000 people from 11 villages. “About 200 are under our care in our church compound,” a native ministry leader said.

Help Support Gospel Workers in Burma

Young teenage students standing outside holding their notebooks and wearing their uniforms of white tops and green bottoms

In spite of ongoing military conflict, eight disciples recently graduated with bachelor’s degrees in theology from a native ministry’s seminary, including five in absentia, and eight others received diplomas for lesser studies. “It was a small celebration on our campus, yet a good reminder of God’s faithfulness through the years despite the many challenges confronting us,” the native ministry leader said.

Bring Christ’s Love to the Needy in Burma

Burmese young adults sitting cross-legged on a wooden floor under a pavilion made from bamboo eating rice for lunch

A native Christian worker from the La Hu people went to his ethnic group in a jungle village, where the local animists worshipped evil spirits. The worker became friendly with the local priest, sharing about the heavenly Father who casts out evil spirits, and the leader called the villagers together and told them of the one God who created all things; some villagers believed and formed a small group worshipping Christ.