Desperation Spikes in Burma – and Faith Grows

A Burmese family sitting on a wooden floor with blankets behind them

Military conflict in the first three weeks of March increased the number of Internally Displaced Persons in Burma (Myanmar) by nearly 100,000, bringing the total since the 2021 military coup to 1.76 million. Desperation in Burma is growing but, amid opposition and restrictions, in many areas only native workers have the knowledge and networks to meet needs. They are risking their lives to do so.

Provide Compassionate Aid in Burma

Burmese woman standing outside of a shelter made from bamboo holding a white pillow with a bag on her shoulder

Unable to work amid military offensives and COVID-19, people are struggling to survive. Native Christian workers are providing rice, cooking oil, beans and basic medicines in several places.

Enable Local Workers to Share their Faith in Burma

Burmese family sitting in their shelter made from bamboo two of them holding a sack of food

Meeting only during the day because of gunfire and rockets at night, local Christian workers held a six-day event that 100 people attended daily, strengthening their faith. “There were testimonies by people saying, ‘Only now I’ve come to see the real Christian life,’ or, ‘Only now do I know the victorious spiritual life,’” the ministry leader said.

Send the Salvation Message in Burma

Little Burmese boy holding a spoon while making a peace sign

Sometimes relocating from one place to another to escape military and other violence, native Christian workers at one ministry shared the gospel with more than 4,000 people over a period of six months.

Help Sow Gospel Seed in Burma

A worker with a native ministry went to a new village and visited homes one by one until he reached the last one – he did not know it was that of a military family, much despised by the community after the February 2021 coup.

The Gospel Makes Surprising Inroads in Burma

When a local Christian worker in Burma (Myanmar) visiting homes knocked on one door in the country devastated by a military coup, he didn’t realize a military family lived there. Area residents were resentful and/or terrified of the family since the February 2021 coup unleashed havoc in the country – protests, crackdowns and sheer random violence left many areas paralyzed. “This family had the feeling that they were isolated, because military personnel were hated by all the people,” the leader of a native ministry said.

Help Harvest Souls in Burma

Military offensives drove members of an ethnic group staunchly opposed to the gospel from their homes even before the February 2021 military coup, providing opportunities for local missionaries to minister to them. After regular visits from workers who provided aid and proclaimed the gospel, recently 10 of the displaced ethnic people put their faith in Christ.

The Tearful Struggle to Heal Battered Burma

A ministry leader in Burma (Myanmar) said he has lost 134 pastors and other workers, including his younger brother, to the pandemic or to violence from a military coup in February.

Workers in Burma Face Unprecedented Stresses

With some civilians dressed as soldiers and some soldiers dressed as civilians, it is often impossible to know who is responsible for ongoing acts of terrorism in Burma (Myanmar), the leader of a native ministry said.

As Restrictions Increase in Burma, Poor Workers Grow Desperate for Food

The closure of all factories in an area of Burma (Myanmar) left a local ministry’s impoverished congregation wondering how they would survive. “Our church people are very poor, hand-to-mouth people – they have nothing to eat now,” the ministry leader said. “We distributed as much as we could. But that will help them only about two weeks. After one more week, how will they survive?”