Assist With Missionaries’ Medical Outreach in the Philippines

During a recent four-day conference for native missionaries, the 250 participants not only committed to pursue God’s calling on their lives, but they also conducted house-to-house evangelism. Those they met during this outreach who had health issues or concerns were invited to come to the conference venue for a free medical check-up, where many received medicine and eyeglasses, if needed.

Lift Up Ministries In Difficult Circumstances in the Philippines

Missionaries are disheartened by men’s lack of engagement with evangelism efforts in Muslim communities. “The demographic phenomenon of women numbering twice as high as men among churches and Christian communities has become the number one challenge for our team,” a ministry leader said. Three of the ministry’s six teams are full of young women, which poses an evangelism challenge in a culture where men will only listen to other men on spiritual issues.

Share The Grace Of Christ in Sierra Leone

When ministry workers with one ministry met a pregnant teenager who lived on the streets, they learned she had fled her home to avoid marriage and female genital mutilation. They presented the gospel to her during an outreach event, and she joyfully accepted Christ. The church became her adopted family and even helped her with her medical bills after she gave birth.

Support Missionaries’ Gospel Work in the Philippines

To establish effective church plants in new villages, native Christian workers first integrate into the communities through helping the people create sustainable economic ventures. Missionaries provide farmers with fertilizer, seeds, beans, and tools, as well as livestock such as hogs, goats, or chickens.

Assist With Community Evangelism in the Philippines

Native missionaries established a friendship with the leader of a local tribe, which enabled them to conduct door-to-door evangelism throughout the community. Many people chose to follow Christ, and the next day, the missionaries organized a fellowship with all the new believers.

Help Church Plants Disciple Their Flocks in the Philippines

A ministry leader drove more than 100 miles on dirt roads to join in celebration with the congregation of one of the ministry’s church plants, which had organized a baptismal event along the Pacific Ocean for one of its families. Together, the mother, her husband, and their daughter were baptized in the ocean.

Get the Gospel to the Unreached in the Philippines

Native ministry workers reported that an Islamic scholar began reading a Bible they distributed and ordered others from his ethnic community to form Bible study groups in various villages and sent people to share the gospel with his relatives. Another Muslim leader began listening to an audio Bible with the missionary team, telling them he had “goosebumps” when he heard the complete story of creation for the first time.

Help Victims of Natural Disasters in the Philippines

Super typhoon Goring hammered the islands with gale-force winds, torrential rains and flashfloods in August, damaging some homes and destroying others. Crops were submerged and businesses wiped out. As families were evacuated to government relocation centers, native workers provided aid that helped restore homes and lives.

Help Open Doors for the Gospel in the Philippines

A Filipino Christian missionary in a loaded truck with his family ready to travel

A native ministry’s church has begun a new outreach that involves the ministry leader joining police and government officials in meetings to teach from God’s Word. This opens the door to sharing the gospel, and another government department has also asked the leader to teach the Word of God to members and beneficiaries of state service in three communities.

Help Send Witnesses for Christ in the Philippines

Children in the Philippines sitting outside eating rice and noodles

In the first half of 2023, native Christian workers with one ministry planted 10 churches as 155 people put their faith in Christ. “These have been the result of regular soul witnessing and personal evangelism, weekly home Bible studies, mission outreach to seniors and persons with disabilities, sharing the Bibles in hospitals and schools and feeding starving, indigent children,” the ministry leader said.