

Slightly smaller than the United States, China has the world’s largest population of 1.3 billion.

Previously a world leader, China declined after its Cultural Revolution crippled the economy and took millions of lives.

Since 1978, however, China has shifted toward market economics and has risen as the world’s second largest economy. China has experienced the fastest growing church movement in history—from 2.7 million evangelicals in 1975 to over 75 million in 2010. Today, 6.24 percent of China’s population is evangelical.

As a side effect of rapid growth and past persecution, Christian leaders are scarce—in 2010, some groups reported only one trained leader for every 7,000 believers or even every 40,000 in some areas. A shortage of printed Bibles and literature has also afflicted the church, with some congregations sharing a single Bible. As a result, the Chinese church has been susceptible to false teaching.

Chinese culture suffers from growing materialism, rampant corruption, and the world’s highest number of suicides. Additionally, China’s birth restrictions have prompted roughly 23 million abortions per year, according to the U.S. State Department.

How You Can Make a Difference

Indigenous ministries in China are training pastors and Christian leaders while reaching China’s ethnic minorities, like the Miao, Li, Hani, Lahu, Jingpo, Bai, Lisu, Wa, and Tibetan people. Though Bible school teachers and students live frugal, sacrificial lives, they need basic assistance to cover their living and ministry costs. Passionate but poor, many Bible school students are ready to dedicate their lives for the sake of the gospel, but have no resources to pay for tuition, books, room and board. With your help, these servants of God will receive the training they need to be effective ambassadors of Christ in China.

Ways To Give

Chinese Christians sit in a group in a forest listening to a Christian leader speak

Evangelism & Discipleship

One of the many Bible schools assisted by Christian Aid Mission in China offers one- and two-year programs, with training primarily focused on evangelism and the cost of discipleship. Seven days a week, faculty lead morning prayers at 5 a.m. and evening prayers at 9p.m. Every Saturday, students divide into groups to evangelize their community. Due to the school’s excellent standing, home churches often invite students and faculty to preach and lead worship. They travel in pairs on bicycles to over 40 house churches in the school’s vicinity. Over 120 students graduate from this Bible school each year. Students become teachers at the school, return to serve in their home churches, or plant new churches in various regions throughout China. GIVE NOW to help evangelistic and discipleship ministries like this one in China.

Chinese men sit at rows of wooden tables eating together

Community Engagement

A Bible-based drug rehabilitation center founded in 2007 in Yunnan Province addresses the growing problem of drug abuse in the southern provinces, where heroin and other illicit drugs come across the border from Myanmar. The school’s 18-month program helps addicts recover through the living Word of God. Patients also learn vocational skills to help them reenter society. GIVE NOW to help community engagement ministries like this one in China.

Three Chinese boys in yellow coats stand in front of a group of Chinese kids holding up a one or two with their fingers


Brother Johnny, the leader of an indigenous Chinese ministry assisted by Christian Aid Mission, discovered a Buddhist orphanage housing 50 destitute Tibetan orphans. Far from civilization and without modern technology, the orphaned children lived primitively, bathing only once every six months. Johnny’s burden for those children led him to return that same year with five other believers. The group worked to obtain, transport, and install a hot water heater at the orphanage. Their act of compassion has greatly improved the sanitary conditions at the orphanage and caused the Tibetan people to welcome them into their community. Johnny and his ministry team have also arranged to provide nutritious food to the orphanage, and are showing gospel films to groups of Tibetans interested in learning more about the gospel. GIVE NOW to help compassion ministries like this one in China.

Exclusive Stories from the Mission Field


Impact Families Through Bible Studies in China

A native ministry’s Bible studies have impacted the lives of believers who realize the importance of placing God first despite their many other responsibilities. One woman who was overwhelmed with taking care of her young child and her elderly relatives was grateful for the opportunity to study Scripture each week.

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Equip Young Adults For Evangelism in China

Online Bible studies have sparked a spiritual fire, particularly among young adults, and ministry leaders see the value of mentoring and then sending these young people into government jobs and other venues in their communities to spread the gospel.

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Strengthen Underground Congregations in China

A man who spent his life in immoral and abusive activities was diagnosed with a tumor, and while he was in the hospital, members of a local church were his only visitors. Though he had been a nominal church attendee prior to his diagnosis, the compassion of these brothers and sisters led him fully to the Lord.

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Strengthen Disciples’ Efforts in China

One of the ladies in a women’s Bible study was led to become “humble in the sight of the Lord” through the group’s study of the Gospel of Mark. Convicted of her impatience when listening to others share their hearts, she has learned to appreciate the value of studying Scripture and fellowshipping with women from different walks of life.

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Help Send Gospel Hope in China

Through their well-established outreach to students and professionals, workers with one ministry led a successful entrepreneur to Christ. She confessed that, despite her wealth and social status, she struggled with depression and found no lasting help from psychiatric treatments. After accepting Christ, she said her heart was full of joy, and she removed pictures of Buddha from her house and asked the ministry to destroy them.

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Help Support Native Workers in China

Native workers with one ministry conduct a variety of outreaches in the regions to which they have been assigned, reaching multiple demographics through ministry to singles, parents, professionals, athletes, and children. “Because of the specificity and small size of each ministry, it is very easy for outsiders to join in and share a loving relationship with others,” the ministry leader said.

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