2023 Christmas Catalog

This Christmas You Can Share Good News of Great Joy

2023 Christmas Catalog

This Christmas You Can Spread the Hope of Christ

Mexican Christian missionary standing on a street with three women each of them holding a book titled, "Jesucristo"

Transform Lives with the Truth of God’s Word

In Mexico, a ministry distributes thousands of Bibles in various ethnic languages. During one of their distributions, young people lined up to receive a Bible, and one young man told them: “Please give me a Bible, because you gave one to my uncle last time, and now he is different because he no longer hits my aunt, and he stopped drinking alcohol. I want a Bible for my dad since he also drinks a lot of alcohol and gets into a lot of street fights.” Your gift of Bibles will transform people’s lives with the truth of God’s Word. 

$32 provides 4 Bibles in local languages 

$64 provides 8 Bibles in local languages

Latin American Christian missionary stopped on a sidewalk riding his red bike

Multiply a Missionary’s Impact with a Bicycle

While his wife pedaled the bicycle adapted for his disability, the native missionary rode on the back, proclaiming the gospel for months throughout the rural town in Latin America. Now, around 120 people gather to worship the Lord there. “The gospel of Christ has changed these lives and this community,” he said. A bicycle can double—even triple—the number of people a native missionary can reach. In places without public transportation, missionaries must walk for hours, sometimes days, to share the Good News with unreached people. This Christmas, accelerate the spread of the gospel with your gift of a bicycle. 

Your gift of  $100, $200, or $300 provides 1, 2, or 3 bicycles

A Guatemalan child sitting in at a school desk eating a piece of cake holding a plastic cup

Change a Child’s Life

Miguel*, 19, was mentored through a children’s ministry in a Guatemalan slum where many young people fall prey to drugs and gangs. “I received Jesus in my heart,” he said. “With the favor of God, I finished high school and learned the trade of bricklayer. With the little money I earn from my job, I can now help my mother and my younger brother. Also, thanks to the discipleship of this ministry, I now serve God by teaching the Bible to little children.” Change a child’s life with your gift to support children’s ministries in the world’s poorest countries.

$30 helps care for 1 child for a month 

$60 helps care for 2 children for a month

A refugee woman holding her baby in one arm and a box of goods in the other smiling

Reach Refugees for Christ

War and terrorism have turned people who once lived comfortable lives into refugees who now live in tent camps that lack even the most basic elements of human survival, like food, clean water, and adequate shelter. But God is sending His followers into these camps with His hope! Indigenous missionaries are on the ground providing critical aid and the hope of the gospel with these desperate people, and they need your help to keep up with the need. This Christmas, you can send life-saving provisions in Jesus’ name to refugee families from Syria, Afghanistan, Ukraine, and other nations.

$34 provides life-saving provisions for 1 refugee family 

$68 provides life-saving provisions for 2 refugee families

Christian missionary in Africa delivering food to a remote village

Help Where It’s Needed Most

Choose an amount you would like to give, and we’ll see that your gift goes where it will do the most good. No matter how your gift is used, you will help the gospel of Jesus Christ reach people in the world’s most difficult mission fields, transform lives, and bring glory to God.

Give generously — any amount you choose

Woman in North Africa wearing a head covering sewing an article of clothing

Provide Hope and Dignity with Sewing Machines

In an Islamic country in North Africa, Roukaya* accepted Christ and suffered the consequences. Her husband divorced her and her family rejected her—but not before brutally beating her. She escaped to another village where an indigenous ministry took her in and taught her how to sew. With the sewing machine they provided to her, she is earning income and has even employed several young people for her growing tailoring business. She hopes to create a sewing center one day. You can bless a woman like Roukaya with hope and dignity for her future with the gift of a sewing machine.

$80 provides 1 sewing machine

$160 provides 2 sewing machines

Elderly Laotian woman sitting behind a barrier made of steel bars

Help Persecuted Christians

After an elderly, disabled woman in Laos accepted Christ, her family mercilessly bullied her, withholding food and forcing her to sleep outside. Eventually, they chased her out of the village and stole the seven pigs she owned. Thanks to gifts from Christian Aid Mission supporters, an indigenous ministry was able to construct a small house for her, provide her with food, and replace the stolen pigs. Your gift for persecuted Christians will help provide for their livelihoods and cover the costs of medical aid, legal aid, and shelter for believers who are attacked, imprisoned, and whose homes or belongings have been destroyed.

Your gift of $35 helps a persecuted believer

Christian missionary in Argentina hand goods to a line of Argentinian women

Feed the Hungry

In Argentina, a ministry delivered food to over 100 poor, aboriginal families in rural communities. One of these families was a young mother whose husband, desperate to feed their children, went into the jungle to hunt and never returned. Upon hearing about this case, a missionary drove two days on a motorcycle to bring aid to her. She accepted Christ after he shared the gospel with her. Share Christ’s love today with your gift to provide life-saving nourishment to poor families.

Your gift of $35 helps provide food for poor families

Bless Families in Need with Farm Animals

A poor tribal congregation in the Philippines is on their way out of poverty thanks to the gift of a cow. The man who received her was able to sell one of the two calves she birthed and gave the other one to another member of the fellowship. With the income from the first calf, he purchased construction materials to improve the home in which his family lives. He expects the cow to give birth to more calves, continuing the process until all members of the church fellowship receive a cow. Relieved of the burden of poverty, the man is now one of the leaders of a gospel outreach to his own people.    

Extend a lifeline to a struggling family with your gift of farm animals. These valuable creatures are gifts from God that can break the cycle of poverty. Cows, goats, pigs, chickens, and water buffaloes provide families with an extraordinary opportunity to be self-sustainable. 

Your gift of $50 helps provide farm animals to struggling families

*Names changed for security