Latin America


Latin America’s Protestant population is booming, yet the region is still home to high numbers of unreached people groups. Brazil tops the chart of Latin American countries with the most unreached people groups. Mexico is number two, followed by Peru and Colombia.

Mexico’s Oaxaca State, for instance, is the most ethnically diverse entity in the world. In one 36-square-mile area of the state, more than 200 languages and dialects are spoken. Peru is home to many “unengaged” tribes who live in the jungles of Amazonia, isolated from society.

In contrast, Peru’s evangelical population has dramatically increased from 1 percent in 1960 to 11.15 percent in 2017. However, Peruvian Christians suffer from a lack of trained leadership, leading to false teaching within some churches.

Poverty, gangs, and drug trafficking are some of the biggest challenges to the spread of the gospel in Latin America.

Many of the indigenous ministries we assist are addressing each of these challenges; for instance, in Ecuador, a ministry provides theological training to inmates at 12 prisons where they have planted churches. Former murderers and drug traffickers are now seminary students and leaders inside prison churches. Once they are released, they have an opportunity to learn a viable skill through the ministry’s rehabilitation program.

How You Can Make a Difference

Native missionaries in Latin America persevere in sharing the gospel in some of the world’s most dangerous mission fields—where gangs, drug traffickers, and hostile animist communities view them as a threat to their territories. They need your support to help them enter towns and villages through community engagement projects like small businesses and vocational training centers, which have proven effective in opening hearts to the gospel message.

Ways To Give

Mexican Christians sit at a table listening to a presentation on local missions

Evangelism & Discipleship

In Oaxaca State, Mexico, where over 200 languages and dialects are spoken, a ministry is training missionaries to reach the region’s many unreached people groups.

Guatemalan children sit at their desks in school with a notebook and pencil in hand

Community Engagement

In the slums of Guatemala City, an indigenous ministry provides more than 100 poverty-stricken children with afterschool recreation and discipleship in God’s Word.

Peruvian girls wearing decorative dresses sit on the ground drinking water from blue mugs


An indigenous ministry in the Peruvian Andes cares for poor children by providing them with nutritious meals, usually their only meal of the day, and tutoring.

Exclusive Stories from the Mission Field

Latin America

Help Proclaim Freedom in Christ in Mexico

A 17-year-old tribal boy was carrying deep resentment over abuse he suffered from his parents and was beginning to rebel. Family members of a native Christian worker recently shared the gospel with him, and he put his faith in Christ. He learned to forgive his parents and felt a great weight lifted from him.

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Latin America

Bring Salvation to the Broken in Peru

A 22-year-old man who devoted himself to pornography and throwing stones at a native ministry’s church building was tormented by nightmares and what appeared to be ghosts. A neighbor invited him to a church service, where a native worker spoke about the peace of Christ.

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Help Disciple Tribal Believers in Brazil

A village recently obtained online access that cleared the way for workers to create a WhatsApp group to discuss the Bible with tribal people. Workers also sent solar Bibles and used cell phones with SD cards containing the Jesus Film, Bible studies and praise songs, including material in their native language.

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Christian missionary in Peru handing a Bible to a Peruvian man in a building with a tin roof
Latin America

Transform Lives with the Gospel in Peru

A rural villager who belonged to a sect opposed the gospel, saying only members of his religion would be saved. When he fell ill, he accepted a worker’s invitation to attend a church service, where he responded to the gospel with tears and gave his life to Christ.

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Young women sitting at a table for a Bible study in Uruguay
Latin America

Partner in Leading People to Christ in Uruguay

More young people are coming to Christ in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic. A native worker and his wife shared the gospel with a young woman who was suffering severe depression, and she put her faith in Christ. “The Lord saved her, and she found a new hope in Jesus,” the ministry leader said.

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Argentinians sitting outside singing songs while one of them plays a guitar

Send the Gospel to the Unreached in Argentina

A tribal group in a remote jungle village heard the gospel for the first time when native Christian workers recently visited them. After three days, 25 villagers accepted Christ. The team appointed one of the tribal converts to lead the new group.

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