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Exclusive Stories from the Mission Field
March 2, 2023
The father of a displaced family in Iraq recently told Christian workers how he loaded up 21 relatives onto a pick-up truck to flee Islamic State (ISIS) terrorists in 2014. “Fadhil* suddenly saw in the mirror that his daughter, Lina*, had fallen from the vehicle, and the wheels of ISIS were not far behind them,” the native ministry leader said. “He was faced with a painful choice: Should he stop for his daughter, or continue on to save the rest of his family?” Silently agonized, Fadhil said nothing to his relatives of what he had seen.
February 23, 2023
Two devastating earthquakes and hundreds of aftershocks in Turkey and Syria have killed over 41,000 people, with the death toll continually rising, as people dig through the rubble of collapsed buildings in search of loved ones. Tens of thousands of people are now homeless in the bitter cold of winter. You can help meet people’s greatest needs for items such as food, water, diapers, and blankets with your gift today. Ministry workers are on the ground in the hardest-hit cities to help uncover bodies and distribute emergency aid, but the needs are immense. In Turkey alone, over 5,600 buildings were destroyed. Syrian cities devastated by years of war were further demolished.
February 16, 2023
His children tended to side with his wife in their fierce arguments, so a tribal man decided he would let them live without him. Living alone, he was stewing in a mixture of grief and resentment when native Christian workers paid him a visit and asked him why he was troubled. “Immediately he replied that he had fought with his wife, and that his children are always against him,” the leader of a native ministry said.
February 9, 2023
Millions of people in Africa are on the verge of starvation and death as five failed rainy seasons have resulted in the worst drought in 40 years, killing livestock and decimating crops. The global food shortage, inflation, and a locust infestation that wiped out harvests across eastern Africa have made a dire situation even more desperate.
February 2, 2023
Languishing in prison after being arrested for his faith, a native Christian worker in Laos feared he would die of starvation. “Samyoung* said everyone in the prison relieved themselves on the floor, and he saw people die of starvation,” a native ministry leader said. “If no family member came to retrieve the body, they were wrapped in plastic and just thrown away. It was a terrifying experience, but he kept praying and thinking about the ministry’s radio messages of encouragement.”
January 26, 2023
A young nurse had visited the worship service of a Middle Eastern country after traveling from her home 50 miles away. She told the pastor that she had studied other religions online for more than half a year, drawing warnings from friends that leaving Islam was among the worst sins. The pastor asked her what she had concluded about Jesus Christ.

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