Prayerline August 2024

Your Prayer Guide To Reach The World

August 1

Share Christ’s Love With The Hopeless in Türkiye

A student at an elite school happened upon a table outside a church that was stacked with New Testaments, and he took one and began to read. The next day, he returned to the church and confessed to the ministry workers that he had been contemplating suicide because he could find no joy in life. But when he read the New Testament, he realized how much God loved him.

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August 2

Assist With Missionaries’ Medical Outreach in the Philippines

During a recent four-day conference for native missionaries, the 250 participants not only committed to pursue God’s calling on their lives, but they also conducted house-to-house evangelism. Those they met during this outreach who had health issues or concerns were invited to come to the conference venue for a free medical check-up, where many received medicine and eyeglasses, if needed.

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August 3

Support Evangelism Opportunities in Pakistan

A man who attended camps organized by a native ministry recently chose to put his faith in Christ. Later, ministry workers gave him audio Bibles to distribute to his community, and he has since begun to share the gospel with his family members and other relatives.

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August 4

Provide An Education To The Vulnerable in Niger

Approximately 300 children, including orphans and those with disabled parents, attend one of two schools run by a native ministry, often becoming the first in their families to receive an education. “As teachers and staff demonstrate the love of God and teach biblical truths and morals, they are seeing a transformation in the students’ behavior, studies, and lives,” the ministry leader said.

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August 5

Share The Joy Of Jesus in Kyrgyzstan

A young man reluctantly agreed to accompany his friends on a ski trip organized by a native ministry, but ministry workers learned later that the man had been taught so many false things about Christians that he was afraid to spend time with believers. By the end of the trip, however, he realized what he had been taught was false, and he began to ask questions of the workers.

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August 6

Encourage Believers Who Face Hostility in the Netherlands

When native missionaries shared the gospel in a refugee camp, two Muslim refugees were excited to learn about Jesus and what He did on the cross. They decided to give their lives to Christ and began to attend church services and Bible study each week. “We are thankful that we are able to visit refugee centers,” the ministry leader said.

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August 7

Build Relationships With The Lost in China

A native missionary shared the gospel with a woman, and the woman’s heart was opened to accept Jesus as Savior. After they prayed together, the woman said that her eyes hurt and asked the missionary to pray for healing. Three days later, the woman told the missionary that her eyes were healed, and the missionary was overjoyed to see God’s hand at work.

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August 8

Deliver Bibles To Those Who Need Them in Malawi

A man was overjoyed when a native missionary gave him a Bible. “Now I will preach the whole gospel,” he told the missionary because he now had the entirety of Scripture in his hands. The missionary spends much of his time traveling to preach and distribute Bibles to those who need them. “It’s great to see the Lord’s work going on and people being saved,” he said.

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August 9

Share The Gospel In Spiritually Dark Places in South Asia

A father of four was a devout Hindu and addicted to alcohol. His wife and daughters, however, became believers through the evangelism of their relatives in another village. When one of his daughters hoped to marry a man who was also a believer, her father refused for almost a year until, one day, God spoke to him.

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August 10

Support Those Who Suffer In Jesus’ Name in Jordan

After a man chose to follow Christ, his family did not speak to him for six months. When he refused to return to Islam, they had him arrested. Another believer paid an attorney to get him released, but soon after, his family took away his tea and coffee business. “Finances are always difficult for him,” a native ministry leader said.

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August 11

Lift Up The Disheartened in Colombia

A woman grew bitter and reclusive because of sores that covered her body, and she visited witches in hopes they could heal her. Nothing worked. When her neighbor invited her to a native ministry’s evangelism event, she reluctantly agreed to attend. “That night she took the step of faith and accepted Jesus Christ as her Lord and Savior,” the ministry leader said.

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August 12

Care For The Sick And Ailing in China

Missionaries with a native ministry serve patients and their families at a local hospital, sharing the gospel and providing food and free lodging to those who have spent much of their savings on medical expenses. Even after the patients leave the hospital, ministry workers maintain a relationship with them, visiting them in their homes or speaking with them on the phone.

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August 13

Share The Message Of Christ’s Forgiveness in Iraq

A woman who attended a native ministry’s home church was forced to flee her home, and when she returned, she found her house had been burned down and her neighbor had stolen and sold all of her belongings. Though she was angry for a long time, God helped her learn to forgive and, later, when her neighbor fell ill, she helped him and eventually shared the gospel with him.

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August 14

Bring Jesus’ Love To The Weary in South Asia

Three native missionaries regularly visit a leper colony and conduct prayer meetings with the 49 people who live there. During their visits, the missionaries also provide medical care and much-needed medicine, as well as a once-a-month special time of fellowship. “People are doing better there,” the ministry leader said.

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August 15

Expand The Lord’s Kingdom in Cambodia

A native ministry leader estimates that approximately 95 percent of those who listen to his ministry’s radio program are not believers, but more come to know Jesus every day. In the first quarter of 2024 alone, the program led more than 200 people to Christ, and 123 were baptized by the ministry’s pastors across the country.

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August 16

Encourage The Lost To Trust In Christ in Burkina Faso

A native missionary sat near a community well one evening and told Bible stories to the villagers who congregated there to draw water. Many came closer to him to listen and ask questions about the things he said. One man was so intrigued that he volunteered his home as a meeting place for Bible study.

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August 17

Break Spiritual Strongholds With The Gospel in Ecuador

A witch rules over an indigenous tribe deep in the jungle, and he threatens to kill through witchcraft anyone who attempts to introduce the gospel to his people. Despite his warnings, native missionaries have begun to visit one tribal village, and they pray that God will open the door for them to eventually share the gospel.

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August 18

Support Ministry To Unreached Tribes in Bangladesh

Because of native missionaries’ diligent evangelism efforts to previously unreached indigenous tribes, approximately 1,940 people from various tribal villages were baptized during a six-month period. In addition to sharing the gospel, these Christian workers also taught the people about proper hygiene, and they distributed food among the most vulnerable families.

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August 19

Unite With The Persecuted Church in China

An older woman in a village hostile to the gospel chose to follow Jesus after the persistent love and compassion she was shown by native missionaries. But her neighbors prohibited her from attending church, and her children told the missionaries they were unwelcome. When the woman suffered a bad fall and no one knew if she would live, the missionaries prayed, and her injuries soon healed.

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August 20

Share The Good News Of Salvation in Kenya

Many women attended a two-day conference organized by a native ministry, and “there was a great movement of the power of God,” according to the ministry leader. During their time together, some experienced healing while others experienced deliverance and reconciliation. “Many marriages had collapsed,” the ministry leader reported. “But the Lord spoke the word of peace and now there is peace to many.”

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August 21

Rejoice In The Power Of Scripture in Europe

A young girl was taught in school that humans evolved from apes. But when she began to attend a children’s program organized by a native ministry, she heard—for the first time—that humans were created by God. “Her view of the world was profoundly changed,” the ministry leader said.

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August 22

Deliver Bibles To The Broken-Hearted in Myanmar

Christian workers from one native ministry have delivered Bibles—often through smugglers’ routes—to refugees in at least five camps as well as to refugees living in 10 different countries. In some places, the transport was particularly dangerous as the Bibles were confiscated by soldiers; but each time, the missionaries were miraculously able to recover them.

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August 23

Help Christian Workers Share The Gospel in Sri Lanka

One day, while driving a missionary from a native ministry, the taxi driver told the missionary that his wife was gravely ill. Though they had tried many ways to heal her through their own religion, nothing worked. The ministry worker shared the gospel with the taxi driver, told him of the healing power of Jesus, and gave him a Bible.

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August 24

Care For The Abused And Mistreated in North Africa

After suffering years of sexual abuse at the hands of different men, a young woman was completely broken. She hated who she had become, and her relationship with God seemed damaged beyond repair. But when she finally accepted the help of a native ministry that runs a shelter for abused women, her life began to change.

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August 26

Be The Salt Of The Earth in Peru

A violinist gave offerings to demonic pagan gods in hopes they would help him become famous. His fame grew, but so, too, did his addiction to it. When his wife gave her life to Christ, he had no interest in her testimony until one day when he became lost in the Andes.

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August 27

Make Disciples For The Lord in Indonesia

Many believers lack a deep understanding of the Bible and often feel defeated when their Muslim neighbors attack Christian beliefs. Native missionaries have recognized this problem, however, and have begun establishing Bible studies with the intent of equipping believers with sound Biblical doctrine.

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August 28

Provide Aid To Impoverished Villages in Africa

A native ministry sent a team of Christian workers to an area of extreme poverty in which alcoholism is rampant. While there, the missionaries ministered to the people by providing them with Bibles and distributing food, clothes, and shoes. Many of the people were grateful not only for the physical help but also the Bible teaching they received.

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August 29

Be The Hands And Feet Of Jesus in Iran

In the last six months, 20,000 Bibles were distributed across the country, with many smuggled or prayerfully left on park benches or in taxis by native missionaries who trust that those who find them will read and be transformed.

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August 30

Support Missionaries’ Faithful Work in South Asia

A young man and his parents were addicted to alcohol and their life was very difficult. The young man left his home and went to another city, where someone gave him a Bible to read. When he returned home, the man sought out a local missionary to answer his questions about God, and the missionary taught the man and his parents about Jesus.

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