Prayerline July 2024

Your Prayer Guide To Reach The World

July 1

Celebrate The Gospel’s Transforming Power in Latin America

A native missionary arrived in a town in which his ministry had never worked and began a small house church. After some time, a few people were baptized. Then, the Bible studies began to extend far into the night because people did not want to leave. After a while, so many people attended that the missionary had to preach in two additional locations.

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July 2

Help Missionaries Share Christ in South Asia

The Christian parents of a 13-year-old girl who was bedridden for more than four months continued to put their faith in Christ and wait for a miracle to happen. They are but one example of the multitude of believers who have been encouraged by a local ministry. In one region, the ministry organized a fasting and prayer event in five different places and 375 believers attended.

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July 4

Support Microenterprise Projects in Iran

An illiterate widow with no way to support her family was presented with an opportunity to make rugs through a microenterprise project developed through a native ministry. The woman is a believer, and when church members told her about the project, she cried with joy because she had been a professional rug maker in the past.

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July 5

Lift Up Ministries In Difficult Circumstances in the Philippines

Missionaries are disheartened by men’s lack of engagement with evangelism efforts in Muslim communities. “The demographic phenomenon of women numbering twice as high as men among churches and Christian communities has become the number one challenge for our team,” a ministry leader said. Three of the ministry’s six teams are full of young women, which poses an evangelism challenge in a culture where men will only listen to other men on spiritual issues.

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July 6

Provide Christian Resources To New Believers in Pakistan

Native missionaries distributed audio Bibles to 50 illiterate believers in one tribe so they could listen to the word of God. Because the people of this tribe have no access to education, the availability of audio Bibles is a tremendous gift for those who seek to study Scripture. “Praise be to the Lord who uses us for the fulfillment of the Great Commission among the tribes and nations,” the ministry leader said.

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July 7

Reach Out To Refugees in Türkiye

Christian workers from a native ministry visit a refugee camp once every two weeks and not only distribute supplies for their basic needs such as medicine, heaters, food, water, and clothing, but also build relationships with the families who have lived there for many years, gifting them with New Testaments and answering their questions about Christ.

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July 8

Share The Richness Of Christ’s Love in Palestine

A young man with special needs lives in a home run by a native ministry, and one of his favorite pastimes is to sing for others, especially the song “Majesty.” Each time guests visit the home, he is always eager to sing for them as well as pray. “When you hear him pray, it is a wonderful confirmation that he knows the Lord as his Savior,” the ministry leader said.

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July 9

Bring The Gospel To Remote Places in Bangladesh

At the invitation of a village leader, two pastors agreed to visit his village, which sits 90 miles from where they live. They journeyed first by bus and then on foot, walking 25 miles to reach their destination. The people were eager to hear the gospel, and 54 were baptized that day.

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July 10

Serve The Poor And Weary in Chad

Workers from a native ministry organized an assistance operation for refugees who fled into Chad from a nearby country to escape violence and destruction. The missionaries provided rice, macaroni, sugar, and soap to 22 orphaned children, 40 widows, 15 nursing mothers, and a missionary couple. In addition, more than 2,000 people who fled hostilities in local villages received rice and oil.

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July 11

Extend Grace To The Lost in Kazakhstan

“Often, people are quickly ignited by God,” a ministry leader said. “But without having a root, they quickly go out.” The leader’s wisdom serves as the foundation for his ministry’s work. When he and his wife began a new family group with two other families, they understood they must be firmly rooted in their own faith to best serve one of the families, who are unbelievers.

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July 12

Strengthen The Persecuted Church in South Asia

As a Christian worker and her family lay sleeping, their home was set on fire. Though the family escaped, their home and everything in it was destroyed. The incident was one of several the family has endured. Villagers attacked the woman’s daughter while she attempted to gather water, and they let cattle loose in the family’s fields to destroy their crops.

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July 13

Share The Hope Of Christ in Myanmar

Evangelism seems impossible in the war-torn country, but missionaries persevere, traveling to villages and preaching the gospel, baptizing new believers, and fellowshipping. “As you know, the situation in our country is getting worse,” one ministry leader said. “But by the grace of God we try our best to reach our people with the gospel of Jesus Christ.”

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July 14

Help Expand God’s Kingdom in Ivory Coast

A tribal priest who practiced witchcraft was a persecutor of Christians and the reason a native ministry was unable to plant a church in his village. But as missionaries led a revival in another town, his pregnant wife became ill and, after the doctor said he could not heal her, she was brought to them for help.

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July 15

Make Disciples Despite Challenging Times in Southeast Asia

Despite challenging times in the region, ministry leaders trust that God has not forgotten them. “Even in these difficult times, we see God’s grace,” one leader said. His ministry recently completed a Bible translation revision, and the ministry’s Bible school, which has been in existence for 28 years, held its traditional three-day missions conference as part of its graduation events.

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July 16

Bring The Lost Out Of Spiritual Darkness in Burkina Faso

A 90-year-old follower of witchcraft buried an ear of corn in a termite mound with the expectation that as the termites ate it, the soul of a young Christian man in his village would be destroyed. But the following week, he was amazed to find the corn was still intact. Several days later, he met a missionary and—to the surprise of all—accepted the invitation to attend a church meeting, where he confessed his plan and decided to follow Christ.

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July 17

Share God’s Healing Love With Refugees in Greece

A refugee told workers at a native ministry’s refugee center that he suffered from epilepsy and had broken his leg during a seizure. Because the bones did not heal correctly, doctors planned to re-break the leg to properly fix it. He was depressed and in a lot of pain, so the ministry leader offered to pray with him.

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July 18

Comfort Those Who Are Persecuted in North Africa

A young man who is a believer in Christ zealously shares his faith in his country. But his family is Muslim, and when his mother requested that he help her buy sacrifices for several Islamic holidays, he was uncertain how to respond. When he asked a native ministry leader for help, they prayed together, and he chose to leave his home for one month. When he returned, the situation was better, but his experience with his family is not unusual.

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July 19

Impact Believers Through Bible Studies in Sri Lanka

A youth leader attended Christian leadership courses through a seminary established by a native ministry, and, as a result, his faith deepened, and he began to see Scripture with new eyes. “The program challenged me to completely change the way I read the Bible, teaching me to discern the rights and wrongs in interpreting Scripture, helping me shape a more theologically sound doctrine,” he said.

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July 20

Support Outreach In Remote Jungle Regions in Brazil

Native missionaries received word that members of an indigenous tribe in a remote and dangerous part of the jungle were dying of malaria. At the tribe’s request for help, the missionaries sent medicine to aid the sick, and their assistance opened the door to share the gospel.

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July 21

Transform Entire Villages With The Gospel Message in Congo

When missionaries arrived in one village, they shared the gospel house by house, reading Scripture with families who invited them in and answering spiritual questions. One man who claimed to already be a Christian realized he was not following Christ as he should and, after he confessed to his addictions and adultery, he asked the missionaries to leave him a Bible.

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July 22

Assist Those In Search Of Peace in Slovakia

A Ukrainian refugee nearly lost his life when his home flooded due to the purposeful destruction of a dam. He survived by climbing with his neighbor onto the roof of the neighbor’s three-story home, where they were eventually rescued by boats. But when the boats tried to pull onto the riverbanks, soldiers shot at them, and their boats were destroyed.

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July 23

Lift Up New Followers Of Christ in Thailand

A construction worker who attended church for years would not commit his life to Christ because of pressure from his family. But during an event organized by a native ministry, the Holy Spirit convicted him, and he and his wife knelt together and accepted Christ as Savior. Since that time, he has become a faithful member of the church and shares the gospel with others.

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July 24

Help Missionaries Disciple Believers in the Middle East/North Africa

Though a woman and her family were followers of a native religion, they attended a local church, learning about God’s love and receiving care when they requested it. When the woman’s husband became ill and they were unable to pay their electric bill, she cried out to God for help. Shortly thereafter, two church members came to their home, prayed with them, and gave them the needed funds.

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July 26

Encourage The Persecuted To Stand Firm in Africa

A young Muslim woman moved in with her cousin, a believer, and became so intrigued by her faith in Christ that she chose to follow Him too and was baptized. But when her family learned of her decision, they had her arrested so that they could forcibly take her home, where she was insulted and beaten.

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July 27

Equip Missionaries For Spiritual Battle in South Asia

A man afflicted with evil spirits vomited blood and lost consciousness for several days each time the spirits attacked. His family spent a lot of money in an effort to heal him, but it wasn’t until someone suggested they go to the church and pray to Jesus that his life changed.

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July 28

Share The Joy Of Salvation in Paraguay

The death of their son devastated a husband and his wife, and their heartbreak turned their lives into a series of difficult trials. But one day they chose to attend church together, and after telling their story to a native missionary, they began the long journey toward healing.

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July 29

Assist With Gospel Outreach in Cambodia

Through a native ministry’s radio program, millions of people have heard the gospel, and approximately 100 to 150 people became believers during a two-month period. “Glory to our almighty God, and our Lord Jesus Christ!” the ministry leader said. Missionaries see their country as ripe for harvest and regularly conduct home visitations, pray for their communities, and answer questions about Christ.

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July 30

Help Missionaries Teach God’s Forgiveness in Spain

A young man imprisoned for drug trafficking met a native missionary who befriended him and slowly built a relationship. One day, the young man told the missionary his parents hoped he would die so their shame would end. This presented an opportunity to share the gospel, and the missionary explained he must die to self so he could be reborn in Christ.

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July 31

Find And Connect With Native Ministries

1 Corinthians 9:14 says “those who preach the gospel should receive their living from the gospel.” CAM-assisted missionaries live this verse daily, often depending on the generosity of others for rice and coffee, even clothing for their children.

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