Help Save the Unreached in Brazil

Brazilian man taught how to use electronic device by Christian missionary

Waves of COVID-19 have subsided and then resurged, and a native ministry leader and those close to him were infected and praise God that they recovered.

Gospel Finds Good Soil and Hard Ground in Brazil

Brazilian Christian missionary prays with men and women in wooden house

A woman in a remote jungle village of Brazil learned half of the gospel by habitually partying and getting drunk. Camila* didn’t need anyone to tell her that sin led to despair and spiritual death, because she had lived it by pursuing empty pleasures, a native Christian leader said. “She said that it no longer gave her joy,” he said. “She was very sad and with great despair for the future of life, especially when she thought about man’s eternity.”

Help Power Gospel Outreach in Brazil

Brazilian children sitting in a semicircle wearing headbands that they made and listening to a Bible lesson

While native Christian workers establish new contacts with members of an ethnic group in one area, others have been working for more than 40 years in a village where another tribe has long resisted the gospel.