Bring Jesus’ Love To The Weary in South Asia

Three native missionaries regularly visit a leper colony and conduct prayer meetings with the 49 people who live there. During their visits, the missionaries also provide medical care and much-needed medicine, as well as a once-a-month special time of fellowship. “People are doing better there,” the ministry leader said.

Share The Gospel In Spiritually Dark Places in South Asia

A father of four was a devout Hindu and addicted to alcohol. His wife and daughters, however, became believers through the evangelism of their relatives in another village. When one of his daughters hoped to marry a man who was also a believer, her father refused for almost a year until, one day, God spoke to him.

Support Evangelism Opportunities in Pakistan

A man who attended camps organized by a native ministry recently chose to put his faith in Christ. Later, ministry workers gave him audio Bibles to distribute to his community, and he has since begun to share the gospel with his family members and other relatives.

Equip Missionaries For Spiritual Battle in South Asia

A man afflicted with evil spirits vomited blood and lost consciousness for several days each time the spirits attacked. His family spent a lot of money in an effort to heal him, but it wasn’t until someone suggested they go to the church and pray to Jesus that his life changed.

Impact Believers Through Bible Studies in Sri Lanka

A youth leader attended Christian leadership courses through a seminary established by a native ministry, and, as a result, his faith deepened, and he began to see Scripture with new eyes. “The program challenged me to completely change the way I read the Bible, teaching me to discern the rights and wrongs in interpreting Scripture, helping me shape a more theologically sound doctrine,” he said.

Strengthen The Persecuted Church in South Asia

As a Christian worker and her family lay sleeping, their home was set on fire. Though the family escaped, their home and everything in it was destroyed. The incident was one of several the family has endured. Villagers attacked the woman’s daughter while she attempted to gather water, and they let cattle loose in the family’s fields to destroy their crops.

Bring The Gospel To Remote Places in Bangladesh

At the invitation of a village leader, two pastors agreed to visit his village, which sits 90 miles from where they live. They journeyed first by bus and then on foot, walking 25 miles to reach their destination. The people were eager to hear the gospel, and 54 were baptized that day.

Provide Christian Resources To New Believers in Pakistan

Native missionaries distributed audio Bibles to 50 illiterate believers in one tribe so they could listen to the word of God. Because the people of this tribe have no access to education, the availability of audio Bibles is a tremendous gift for those who seek to study Scripture. “Praise be to the Lord who uses us for the fulfillment of the Great Commission among the tribes and nations,” the ministry leader said.

Help Missionaries Share Christ in South Asia

The Christian parents of a 13-year-old girl who was bedridden for more than four months continued to put their faith in Christ and wait for a miracle to happen. They are but one example of the multitude of believers who have been encouraged by a local ministry. In one region, the ministry organized a fasting and prayer event in five different places and 375 believers attended.

Voices Of The Persecuted Church

“No media has the courage to speak up on Christian persecution,” said one ministry leader in South Asia. “But God doesn’t waste our heartbreak. We are beginning to see we were brought here for a purpose.”

This is the voice of the persecuted church.

Their heartbreak is real. Their spiritual battle is never-ending. Sometimes, their grief overwhelms their joy and their blood stains the streets. But through their sorrow, Christ is praised. “Hallelujah!” they say. For, despite their difficulties, they “still try to gladly serve and worship our crucified and exalted King.”

This is the voice of the persecuted church.

Read their stories. Stand with them. Believe in the power of the cross, for its enemies will not prevail.