Make Disciples For The Lord in Indonesia

Many believers lack a deep understanding of the Bible and often feel defeated when their Muslim neighbors attack Christian beliefs. Native missionaries have recognized this problem, however, and have begun establishing Bible studies with the intent of equipping believers with sound Biblical doctrine.

Refresh Missionaries With Peace Of Christ in Indonesia

The leader of a native ministry travels on his motorcycle through villages tucked into the mountains and through cities and towns to preach in the name of Jesus and to train new believers as Christian leaders. Some of the places in which he and his team work have been devastated by natural disasters such as floods and volcanic eruptions.

Support Discipleship Of New Believers in Indonesia

Church planters of one ministry have shared the gospel with 21,335 people during the last six-month period, and of that number, 650 people decided to follow Christ. One new believer, a street busker who had lost all hope for his future, was baptized, and now he is discipled regularly by Christian workers.

Help Plant Churches in Indonesia

A native ministry has 137 church planters sharing the gospel throughout the country, and over the course of six months they planted 34 house churches. Including people who heard about Christ through social media, workers shared the message of salvation with 15,800 people.

Gospel Revives a Battered Life in Indonesia

A young man in Indonesia who had suffered setbacks throughout his life found himself trying to make a living by performing on the street. Osbert*, 28, told a Christian worker who engaged him in conversation that his wife had recently left him, and that he had no hope for the future, the ministry leader said. The worker shared how Christ cares for him so much that He died on the Cross to take the punishment for all sinners who accept His salvation.
“Since the first time he heard the gospel story, he immediately responded positively and then put his faith in Jesus,” the ministry leader said. “It wasn’t long before he accepted baptism.”

Help Workers Plant Churches in Indonesia

A secret Christian who has long been an influential Hindu priest has asked a native Christian worker to disciple him; he wants to learn more about how to follow Christ as he considers whether to make a public declaration of his faith.

Share the Gospel with Unreached People in Indonesia

A team of evangelists met a 56-year-old man at a park and engaged him in conversation, and at one point he said it was the first time he had heard that sin is forgiven through Jesus. After he said he believed their message, they led him in prayer to confess his sin and accept Christ as Lord and Savior.

Help Give Voice to Gospel Witness in Indonesia

Elderly Indonesian woman standing in front of an open door

Three people recently put their faith in Christ, including a Muslim hired as a driver for native Christian workers who spent a week providing medicines, groceries and other aid to the poor. “He was very surprised to see our acts of love,” the ministry leader said.

Support Workers Proclaiming Christ in Indonesia

Indonesian men sitting cross-legged on the floor sharing a meal together

Native Christian workers spent much time in prayer before visiting a Hindu “holy man” with the gospel. When he and his wife put their faith in Christ, they were first kicked out of their home, and then the village and Hindu leaders held a ceremony ritually excluding him from their ancestral temple.

Help Spread the Gospel in Indonesia

Workers from a native ministry shared the gospel with 17,201 people over the course of six months and planted 46 house churches as 743 people put their faith in Christ. Among them was a mother of three children in her mid-30s who was contemplating suicide after her husband tried to kill her because she asked him to end an affair with another woman.