A young man in Indonesia who had suffered setbacks throughout his life found himself trying to make a living by performing on the street.
Osbert*, 28, told a Christian worker who engaged him in conversation that his wife had recently left him, and that he had no hope for the future, the ministry leader said. The worker shared how Christ cares for him so much that He died on the Cross to take the punishment for all sinners who accept His salvation.
“Since the first time he heard the gospel story, he immediately responded positively and then put his faith in Jesus,” the ministry leader said. “It wasn’t long before he accepted baptism.”
Workers met with him regularly for further teaching, and Osbert asked the worker to take him to a worship service, saying he had a deep desire to learn more about Christianity.
“He has been very enthusiastic about studying God’s Word with our workers and said he would be ready to learn how to share the gospel with others,” the leader said. “Ever since he confessed his faith in Jesus, he has had a new hope in life. The eternal salvation that he has in the Lord Jesus brings him new joy.”
Workers go out every day to engage people in gospel conversations, the leader said.
“In general, they should be able to meet at least five people a day, get acquainted, and make friends with them first before they are willing to hear the full gospel story,” he said.
Including people who heard about Christ on the ministry’s Facebook page, workers reached 21,335 people with the Good News over a six-month period. Workers led 650 people to faith in Christ as Lord and Savior and planted eight house churches, the leader said.
A villager who accepted Christ last year shared the gospel with others, and eight people trusted in His death and resurrection for eternal life.
“Our workers assisted him in starting a new house church by the end of 2022 that became the fourth-generation house church in that area,” the leader said. “In several areas, the outreach training and discipleship that we conducted for these believers succeeded in motivating them to share the gospel with their families and friends.”
Workers are sharing the gospel with hurting people throughout Indonesia. Please consider a donation today to help equip and encourage them.
*Name changed for security reasons.